Podcast in English

author: Diana Tsankova

La semaine de 4 jours, pas avant 5 ans !

L’équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée est-il possible et à quel prix ? Peut-on passer moins de temps au bureau mais fournir la même quantité de travail rémunéré comme pour une semaine de 5 jours ?..

04.08.21 11:32 |

42 atletas defenderán los colores de Bulgaria en los JJ.OO. de Tokio

Deportistas de élite de todos los rincones del mundo enarbolarán hoy las banderas nacionales de sus patrias poniendo de manifiesto lo indoblegable del espíritu olímpico. Pese a haberse aplazado un año por la pandemia de coronavirus, los Juegos Tokio 2020..

23.07.21 14:23 |

Polina Trífonova, tercera búlgara que competirá en tenis de mesa en los JJ.OO.

Polina Trífonova , nacida en 1992 en la ciudad nororiental búlgara de Kubrat, en el seno de un matrimonio formado por un padre búlgaro y una madre rusa, competirá en representación de Bulgaria, en la modalidad de tenis de mesa, en los Juegos Olímpicos..

23.07.21 13:39 |

42 athletes compete for Bulgaria’s glory at the Olympic Games

Today, elite athletes from all over the world will fly the national flags of their homeland to show the indomitability of the Olympic spirit. Although postponed for a year due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Tokyo 2020 Olympics will finally take..

23.07.21 13:05 |

Polina Trifonova Tokyo Olimpiyatlarında masa tenisi dalında yarışacak üçüncü sporcumuz

Polina Trifonova, Donetsk Havalimanındaki bomba ve patlama seslerini hep hatırlayacak. Polina, talihsiz 26 Mayıs 2014’de  birkaç karar alması gerekiyor – 13 yıl boyunca hayatını geçirdiği Ukrayna şehrini terketmek, ülkesine dönüp imkansızlığı..

23.07.21 11:15 |

Polina Trifonova est devenue la troisième Bulgare à concourir en tennis de table aux JO

Polina Trifonova se souviendra toujours des explosions qu’elle a entendues à l’aéroport de Donetsk. Le malheureux 26 mai 2014 elle prendra quelques décisions – quitter la ville ukrainienne qui est devenu son havre pendant 13 ans, retourner dans..

23.07.21 11:08 |

Polina Trifonova becomes the third Bulgarian to compete in table tennis at the Olympics

Polina Trifonova will always hear the explosions from the bombs falling over the airport in Donetsk. On the unfortunate date of May 26, 2014, she was to take several decisions – to leave the Ukrainian city which had become her haven for 13..

23.07.21 09:50 |

Tokyo Olimpiyat Oyunlarında Bulgaristan’ı 42 sporcu temsil edecek

Dünyanın dört bir ucundan başarılı sporcular, Olimpiyat ruhunun gücünü sergilemek için bugün ülkelerinin bayraklarını dalgalandıracak. Koronavirüs pandemisinden dolayı bir yıl ertelenen Tokyo 2020, gerek stadyumda, salonda, yüzme havuzunda en..

23.07.21 08:57 |

Antiguas razas de ovejas y cabras pastando en las inmediaciones de la aldea de Vlaji

La familia de Elena Tsingarska lleva más de veinte años esforzándose en restablecer razas de ganado menor en vías de extinción, entre ellas la oveja karákachan y la cabra de Kalófer . Para dedicarse a su causa, todos los miembros de esa familia..

22.07.21 13:07 |

Ancient breeds of sheep and goats graze near the Bulgarian village of Vlahi

For more than 20 years, Elena Tsingarska's family has been working for reviving endangered breeds, including the Karakachan sheep and the Kalofer goat. In order to dedicate themselves to their cause, they all abandoned city life and started a..

22.07.21 09:30 |