Knezha-Sofia-South Africa-Botswana and ... Asenovgrad. These are the stations in the life journey of our compatriot Darena Gesheva, which will surely provide her with countless memories to tell friends and visitors to her café in the small town of..
A cup of black coffee, a bowl of raspberries and chocolate, combined with a view that takes your breath away. Sounds soothing and dreamy, doesn't it? For years, pianist Dilyana Hristova has been looking for and finding similar places at home and abroad..
Bulgarii din Albania au fost recunoscuți ca minoritate națională în 2017, dar nu avem date oficiale despre numărul lor, deoarece datele finale ale recensământului populației de anul trecut nu au fost încă publicate. Destul de mulți cetățeni albanezi cu..
A few days ago, caretaker Prime Minister-designate Dimitar Glavchev announced the composition of the interim government that will govern the country in the coming months until the 9 June elections, which will be held together with the vote for the..
The so-called rotation, a power-sharing deal struck nine months ago by the two main political forces in Parliament, GERB-SDS and PP-DB, whereby each would hold the prime minister's office for nine months at a time, may be on the point of collapse. Former..
La începutul lunii, decanul Facultății de Geologie și Geografie a Universității din Sofia, Prof. Dr. Kliment Naydenov, i-a vizitat pe bulgarii basarabeni din satul ucrainean Zora pentru a face o donație - două laptopuri, cărți despre Muntele Athos ale..
There is hardly a boy who has not wished to become an astronaut. Some girls also have such aspirations. Among them is traveler Izabela Shopova, whose biggest childhood hero was Yuri Gagarin. She describes her travels in books, recounting life in..
A sculptural composition in the Rhodope village of Shiroka Laka praises the local bagpipers and singers, famous in all parts of Bulgaria and abroad. It is called "The Bagpiper". Recently, a novel of the same name was presented in Shiroka Laka. The..
Bulgarian and foreign bagpipers and teachers of this traditional music instrument will meet in Plovdiv from March 8 to 10. This is one of the initiatives in Bulgaria dedicated to the International Bagpipe Day - March 10. The event aims to preserve and..
"In less than a month, it will be two years since that February morning in 2022 that changed the lives of people in Europe and beyond. The escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which began in 2014, made politicians rethink a number of..
Τη νύχτα θα πνέει κρύος αέρας και θα έχει συννεφιά. Βροχές και χιόνια θα πέσουν στα βορειοδυτικά, και κυρίως χιόνια στα ψηλά πεδία της Δυτικής..
Δεν έχω διαπράξει κανένα έγκλημα, πρόκειται για πολιτική επίθεση, δήλωσε ο συμπρόεδρος του Συνεχίζουμε την Αλλαγή Κίριλ Πετκόφ πριν μπει στην..
Ο υπηρεσιακός πρωθυπουργός Ντιμίταρ Γκλάβτσεφ επιθεώρησε προσωπικά τη γέφυρα του Δούναβη κοντά στο Ρούσε. Δεν υπάρχουν ουρές, υπάρχουν 3-4 αυτοκίνητα..