Tonight Bulgaria Hall is hosting the opening of the amateur piano competition Vivapiano. Its 5th edition is devoted to the 120th birth anniversary of Bulgarian classic Petko Staynov. The audience will include the members of the international jury,..
A concert that the Bulgarian National Radio Folk Music Orchestra will present on April 21 in Studio 1 also features famous and beloved singers from neighbouring countries. Conductor Dimitar Hristov told us more about the project...
21 Nisan günü Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosu’nun 1. Stüdyosunda Balkanlar’dan sevilen sanatçılar bir araya gelecek. Radyonun Halk Müziği orkestrasının şefi Dimitır Hristov konser hakkında bilgi veriyor: ‘Balkanların ritmi’ adında en başarılı..
Renowned Bulgarian kaval player Nedyalko Nedyalkov took part in the concert programme presented in the biggest refugee camp in Europe near Calais, France. The idea belongs to Jordi Savall, Spanish conductor, viola da gamba player and..
El famoso intérprete de kaval, flauta pastoril búlgara, Nedialko Nedialkov, participó en el programa presentado cerca de la ciudad francesa de Calais, en el más grande campo de refugiados en Europa. La idea es de Jordi Savall, director, compositor y..
Twenty years ago, a children's vocal group was created in Bulgaria, Bon-Bon: smiling, talented and very artistic children who immediately won admirers. Back at that time everything was different - from the repertoire to the stage..
Bundan yirmi yıl önce Bulgaristan’da gülümseyen, artistik ve güzel sesli çocuklardan oluşan ‘Bon-bon’ çocuk vokal grubu sahneye çıktı ve izleyicilerin beğenisini kazandı. 9 Nisan günü Ulusal Kültür sarayının 1. Salonunda ‘Bon –bon’..
Un cuarteto de gadulkas (instrumento búlgaro de cuerdas), cantante folclórica, guitarrista y percusionista: esta es la composición, la combinación de esfuerzo e ideas del grupo Etnotix. Original y fácil de recordar, el nombre de la formación es muy..
“Wildlife” (Yaban hayatı) turizmi ile meşgül olan Petar Dilçev ile kuşlar üzerinde sohbet ediyoruz. Ona göre Bulgaristan'da farklı cinsten nadir kuşları, yabani hayvanları ve bitki türlerini bulmak mümkündür...
Lyubomira Pavlova has graduated the Lyubomir Pipkov music school in Sofia where she studied folk singing and then went on to study music pedagogy at the St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia. “To my mind audiences appreciate authentic..
Im heutigen Programm stellen wir Ihnen die Möglichkeiten für einen unvergesslichen Urlaub in der Stadt Nikopol vor. Zuerst erzählen wir über den..
In unserer heutigen Sendung wollen wir Ihnen über die Denkmäler erzählen, die hier in Sofia an der Rettung der bulgarischen Juden erinnern. Danach erfahren..
„Pssst... es ist Zeit für Kino“ - unter diesem Motto wird Sofia in den nächsten zwei Wochen zur Kinohauptstadt Europas. Die 29. Ausgabe des größten..