Rock müziğinde efsane olan Rainbow ve Deep Purple vokali Joe Lynn Turner , Bulgar pop yıldızı Mariya İlieva’yı yeni single parçası için düet ortağı seçti. “Forever” parçasında Bulgar müzikseverlerine jest olarak Bulgar dilinde söylenen bir..
The legendary rock artist and vocalist of Rainbow and Deep Purple Joe Lynn Turner has chosen Bulgarian pop star Maria Ilieva as a duet partner in his latest single . In the song "Forever", as a compliment to the Bulgarian audience, there is a..
Kottarashky is one of the most intriguing musicians to have appeared on the Bulgarian music scene in the first decade of the 21 st century. The man behind the stage name is Nikola Gruev, and his work is an ongoing genre-blending experiment. He is..
Always vibrant, Preyah captures attention with her new single ''Vseki Den'' (Every Day). The singer has left a special message based on a very personal story. As the author of the lyrics, Preyah drew inspiration from her long-term partner, with whom..
Tras el éxito de "Amor como un cielo" ( Lyubóv kato nebé ), que durante 12 semanas fue la canción búlgara con mayor número de reproducciones, Miro nos regala hoy un nuevo single. "Delicado" ( Nézhen ) es fruto de su sorprendente colaboración con..
Papi Hans es el alter ego artístico de Konstantin Trendafilov. Él es para algunos un poeta que canta, y para otros un cantante que escribe. En todo caso, es sin duda alguna, un artista de lo más complejo. Papi Hans ha recorrido un largo camino como autor..
Mihaela Marinova, who is one of the most successful young Bulgarian performers, has released a new music album. She presented the collection of ten songs with a tour in Bulgaria’s biggest cities. The title of the album "Black Butterfly" reflects the..
La música de DARA es tan colorida como lo es ella misma, y su último single "Ladrón de sueños" ( Kradéts na mechtí ) es otra muestra de ello. Allí, la joven cantante entabla un diálogo sincero con la voz de su crítico interior: esa voz que a menudo nos..
DARA's music is as colorful as her and her latest single "Kradec na Mechti/Dream Thief" proves it. In this song, the young singer engages in a frank dialogue with her inner critic- the voice that often breaks us down and discourages us, but at the..
The renowned Bulgarian kaval player Theodosii Spassov will give a concert tonight in Geneva, Switzerland. The concert starts at 8 pm in Frank-Martin Hall and is titled "Balkan Moods". Theodosii Spassov will perform together with four other musicians:..
Tuna nehri üzerindeki Tutrakan şehrine yakın bulunan ve korumalı alan statüsünde olan “Kalimok-Brışlen” mevkiinde bu sezon için ilk tepeli pelikan..
Münih Güvenlik Konferansına katılan Cumhurbaşkanı Rumen Radev gazetecilere konuşurken: “Ukrayna ve Rusya arasındaki çatışmaların diplomasinin..
Başmüftülük nezdinde faaliyet gösteren Manevi Danışmanlık Merkezi Başkanı ve Uzman Birali Birali BNR stüdyomuzda konuğumuz oldu ve günümüzdeki ruhsal..