Günün Programı

author: Miglena Ivanova

Georgi Stamatov - the forgotten writer

On November 9, 1942, Bulgaria lost one of its brightest writers - the master of short urban novels Georgi Stamatov. One of his most popular novels is named Malkiyat Sodom (The Little Sodom), whose characters trade their ideals for the sake of..

15.11.15 08:10 |

We forge our own destiny, says two-time world champion Mihail Hristov

The accident that suddenly changed the life of Mihail Hristov took place ten years ago when he was 15-years-old. An electric arc hit him and he miraculously survived, but his both hands needed to be amputated - one up to the elbow, the other - to..

14.11.15 13:05 |

Mijail Jristov, bicampeón mundial: “Somos forjadores de nuestro propio destino”

La historia que alteró repentinamente la vida de Mijail Jristov ocurrió hace una decena de años cuando el joven sufrió la descarga de un arco voltaico. El joven, entonces de 15 años de edad, sobrevivió de milagro, pero tuvo que ser sometido a una..

10.11.15 14:53 |

Qyteti në fokusin e objektivit të Elina Ninovës

Nuk ka asgjë më të mirë se koha e keqe. Kjo frazë e njohur ka hyrë në të   përditshmen tonë nga një film i njohur bullgar. Këtë mendim e ka tejzhvilluar në albumin e saj me titull “Nëpër pellgjet me ujë të Sofjes” fotografja Elina Ninova. Si çdo gjë e..

07.11.15 14:35 |

Stivian Gatev – ylli i ri në zbritjen e shpejtë me biçikletë

Megjithë kushtet e këqija meteorologjike gjatë tetorit në malin Vitosha me një rivalizim të ashpër u zhvillua gara Home Mountain Bike Cup. Ajo ishte raundi i katërt i parafundit i serive bullgare të quajtura “daunhill”, ose thënë me fjalë të tjera..

07.11.15 13:35 |

Bulgarian Stivian Gatev - rising star in downhill mountain biking

In spite of the bad weather, the tough Home Mountain Bike Cup took place on the Vitosha Mountain in October. This was the fourth, penultimate round of the Bulgarian downhill series. Biker from Sevlievo Stivian Gatev passed the 2-kilometer long..

07.11.15 08:05 |

Shkencëtarë diskutuan në Sofje problemet e studimeve kozmike

Nga data 4 deri më 6 nëntor në Sofje u mbajt Konferenca e XI shkencore me pjesëmarrje ndërkombëtare “Kozmosi, ekologjia dhe siguria”, organizuar nga Instituti për Studime dhe Teknologji Kozmike pranë Akademisë Bullgare të Shkencave. Në të u përfshin mbi..

06.11.15 14:42 |

Scientists discuss problems of space exploration at conference in Sofia

An international conference called “Space, Environment, Security” was organized by the Space Research and Technology Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, November 4 – 6. The event was attended by more than 70 participants from..

06.11.15 11:52 |

The city in focus: photographer Elina Ninova

There is nothing better than bad weather, goes a popular saying after the title of a Bulgarian book and movie. It is a saying that photographer Elina Ninova develops in style, in her album “Inside Sofia’s puddles”. And as all good things, the idea..

02.11.15 14:35 |

Stivian Gatev, estrella naciente en el descenso de velocidad

En medio de una rivalidad extraordinariamente reñida y, a pesar de las condiciones meteorológicas adversas, se celebró en octubre en la montaña Vitosha la competición Home Mountain Bike Cup. Fue la cuarta y penúltima vuelta de las series Downhill..

02.11.15 14:12 |