Three years after Koka Mass Jazz's album Elephunky Trip (2018), a new album entitled The Sixth Finger is being released. It is another achievement for the creator of the fusion funk band drummer Konstantin Katsarski. He is the author and arranger of music..
Yaz, şefkat, bossa nova dansı, deniz esintisiyle örülen melankoli... Miroslava Katsarova’nın ‘Temenujena’ adlı yeni müzik albümünü dinlerken bu çağrışımları yapabilirsiniz. Aslında ‘Temenujena’, yeni CD’de yer alan şarkılardan birinin ismidir. Bu isim..
They are both Bulgarian, both have studied in the Netherlands, they are friends and both love jazz. They are Mihail Ivanov – double bass and Alexander Logozorov – guitar. For years they have been following their own path in music. After..
Born in the town of Smolyan in the heart of the Rhodope Mountain, Zhivko Vasilev grew up with the beauty of these parts. The kaval is the instrument he uses to study, develop and preserve the music tradition of the Rhodopes. A young and..
Electronic, contemporary sound combined in original instrumental compositions – this is Bluba Lu or the creative tandem of Konstantin Katsarski and Dimitar Paskalev. Seeking inspiration in modern technical innovations and the underground,..
Whether it comes to composing or arranging, distinguished Bulgarian jazz pianist Zhivko Petrov has long since created his own style. His solo albums, his joint appearances with other artists, as well as his trio JP3 always show great musical..
Velislav Stoyanov is one of the most prominent jazz trombonists in Bulgaria in recent years. He founded a series of big band formations and writes music. He also became a guardian of the traditions in Bulgarian music. His latest project is named..
BNR’nin 51.“Bahar 2020” Pop ve Rock Şarkı Yarışması, Bulgaristan ve yurtdışından birçok müzisyene yarışmaya katılma imkanı verdi. Yıllardır Manchester şehrinde yaşayan ve müzik yapan "Hayes & Y“ grubu, BNR’nin “Bahar 2020” Pop ve Rock Şarkı..
The 51 st edition of Spring-2020, the Bulgarian National Radio’s competition for new pop and rock songs, was open to many musicians from Bulgaria and from abroad. The boys from Hayes & Y, who won the grand prix – participation in..
The Spring 2020 radio competition has established itself as one of the most prestigious competitions in Bulgaria. Its aim has always been to stimulate the creation of new Bulgarian pop and rock songs. According to the..
İçişleri Bakanlığı Razgrad İl Müdürlüğü, Balkanski köyünde yaşayan 73 yaşındaki bir adamın telefon dolandırıcıların tuzağına düşerek yaklaşık 7 400..
Anayasa Mahkemesi 16 milletvekilinin seçimini geçersiz kıldı. Mahkeme sitesinde resmi bilgi yayınlandı. Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin kararı..
Tırgovişte Belediyesi, ilde iğne yapraklı ağaç dikimine başlandığını duyurd u. Sonbahar ve kış döneminde ladin ağaçlarının kaldırılmasının..