The National Thracian folklore festival Tread of the Holy Mother of God is taking place on August 9 and 10. There is a beautiful natural rock formation known by the name of “Tread of the Holy Mother of God” close to the town of..
The international jazz festival in Bansko will once again draw together artists from several continents. The playbill of one of the biggest summer music festivals in this country features twenty concerts and a rich accompanying..
Chelopech is located not far from Sofia, amid the beautiful scenery of the Sredna Gora Mountain. The village is famous for the largest copper-gold-pyrite deposit in Europe and the beautiful park Korminesh where an annual folk fair is..
The Transfiguration of our Lord, 6 August, one of the Twelve Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church, was established in the early years of Christianity. In this edition of Folk Studio, we bring you some of the traditions and customs..
Hazreti İsa’nın görünümünün değişmesi (metamorfoz), Ortodoks Kilisesi'nin büyük bayramlarından biri olup 6 Ağustos'ta kutlanır. İsa, öğrencilerinden Petrus, Yakup ve Yuhanna'yı yanına alarak Tabor Dağı'na çıktı. Orada, gözlerinin..
Del 30 de julio al 2 de agosto en Chelopech, un pueblo próximo a Sofía, entre las colinas de la cordillera de Sredna Gora, famoso por estar junto al mayor yacimiento de mineral de cobre, oro y pirita en Europa, así como por su hermoso parque..
Zornitsa Ilarionova used to win prestigious awards at national and international contests as early as her high school years with the Lyubomir Pipkov National School of Music – those were Nedyalka Simeonova, Pancho Vladigerov, Dobrin Petkov..
Love Through the Years – that was the name of the show, celebrating the 50 th jubilee on stage of the Zagore Ensemble back in 2005. On the eve of the 60 th jubilee since Zagore’s establishment we present its long-year art director Vasil..
Zornitsa Ilarionova había ganado prestigiosas distinciones de competencias nacionales e internacionales siendo aún estudiante en la Escuela de Educación Media Nacional de Música Liubomir Pipkov, de Sofía. Esta joven violinista ha ofrecido conciertos en..
En 1942, en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, una breve conversación cambiaría el destino de un jurista y cantante joven del coro de la catedral “San Alejandro Nevski”. En Epifanía, 6 de enero, se produjo el memorable encuentro de dos tocayos: el zar..
"Hafızada kalanlar" köşesinde 2021'de kaybettiğimiz şair Habibe Ahmedova'nın ardından yazdığımız dizeleri ve 2020 yılında onunla Sekiz Mart üzerine..
Murgaş Dağı’ndaki meteoroloji gözlem istasyonunda görevli meteorologlar, 9 Mart gecesi saldırıya uğrayarak, kimliği belirsiz bir kişi tarafından..
Devlet Sosyal Güvenlik yasa tasarısının birinci ve ikinci görüşmeleri arasında, DPS “ Demokrasi, hak ve özgürlükler ” tarafından, tarım ve tütün..