The Go Fusion! album is launched on February 26 at Studio 5. All the pieces in the collection are authored by Hristo Yotsov – leader of the band and prominent Bulgarian drummer, composer and arranger. He plays together with guitarist..
Ya se conocen los portadores del Premio Anual de Folclor que lleva el nombre de la inolvidable Giurga Pindzhurova, una de las mayores voces que ha tenido el folclore nacional y que ha dejado una huella perdurable en el desarrollo de este género musical...
“We have prepared many pleasant surprises for our fans in the coming months”, Conductor of the Folk Music Orchestra of the Bulgarian National Radio Dimitar Hristov contends. The first one is to be held on February 25 at the BNR..
« Pour les mois à venir nous avons préparé beaucoup d’agréables surprises pour nos auditeurs » - affirme Dimitar Christov, chef de l’Orchestre de musique traditionnelle de la RNB. La première aura lieu ce 25 février, au Studio de..
Composer Kristian Boyadzhiev has been awarded on many occasions. He is also a leading music editor and host of programs produced by the Hristo Botev channel of the Bulgarian National Radio. A few months ago he turned 60, and on 26 February he..
In late January, the Bulgarian band Metalwings presented its first video to the song "Crying of the Sun" - one of the ten original songs created by the band so far. Currently they are preparing their debut album. "Our group is with metal..
La obra del compositor búlgaro Kristian Boyadzhiev ha sido premiada en reiteradas ocasiones. No son pocas sus distinciones como editor musical y presentador de programas musicales del programa Hristo Botev de Radio Nacional de Bulgaria. “Un..
“I'm really happy when I had that elusive feeling called enjoying music,” says Peter Raltchev. The accordionist is famous all over the world. He has fans in Europe, USA, and Asia. In the Balkans he is a true legend. For more than a..
“Me siento feliz de verdad ad sentir esta sensación llamada disfrutar de la música”, dice Petar Ralchev. El nombre del famoso acordeonista es conocido mundialmente desde hace mucho tiempo. Él tiene seguidores en Europa, Estados..
"Hafızada kalanlar" köşesinde 2021'de kaybettiğimiz şair Habibe Ahmedova'nın ardından yazdığımız dizeleri ve 2020 yılında onunla Sekiz Mart üzerine..
Sekiz Mart Dünya Kadınlar Günü ’nde başarılı bir kadının düşünceleriyle, günümüzde kadını ve duygularını, çevresinde gözlemlediği ve yaşamdan örneklediği..
Büyük Britanya’da Rusya adına casusluk şüphesiyle yargılanan üç Bulgar vatandaşı suçlu bulundu. BGNES ajansının verdiği habere göre, 33..