The technology for making green mold cheese that exists in the village of Cherni Vit in Stara Planina has not been forgotten, say followers of the Slow Food international movement in Bulgaria. They hunt "gastronomic treasures" and turn them..
La tecnología para la elaboración del queso verde con moho de la aldea de Cherni Vit, en la Cordillera de los Balcanes, no ha sido olvidada. Nos convencen de ello los miembros del movimiento internacional Slow Food en Bulgaria. Ellos buscan tesoros..
One of the easiest and most popular ways to leave Bulgaria and find a job in a foreign country is by becoming a babysitter or au pair. Thousands of young women, not only from Bulgaria but also from across the world choose this job to gain..
Sofia Municipality will encourage investments and help the small and medium-sized business through the launching of a special agency. The agency will be established by mid 2016 and its purpose will be to provide detailed information to companies..
The technological boom of the 21 st century changed life irrevocably but it also obliterated the difference between what used to be male and female professions. “Now gender no longer matters, what does matter are the work skills one invests in the..
Organic farming and eating products grown in clean areas with minimal interference in nature is about to become a new world trend. Products bearing the "Bio" mark have a specially assigned place in big supermarkets. Statistics show that globally over..
It is summer again – a holiday and bikini period. We have prepared ourselves for it via long diets and attempts to lose some pounds. The warm months are the most suitable time frame for people with overweight, as those provide outdoor sports..
The construction boom alongside the Bulgarian Black Sea coastline over the past years and the tourist influx have become the reason for the building of new water treatment plants at some coastal settlements. The issue with the pollution of sea..
Homo ludens or playing man is the childhood memory that lingers on throughout our lives. Playing man has enterprise and courage and is never hesitant of experimenting or swimming in uncharted waters. We are all players and we encounter all kinds..
We often talk of the delayed reform in Bulgaria’s educational system, on the problems inside it that should be solved quickly, in order for the sector to catch up with the rest of Europe. The decisions on the reform’s direction are taken by..
Më 6 nëntor në sallën "Bullgaria" në kryeqytetin e Sofjes publiku bullgar do të ketë mundësinë të shijojë vepra pak të njohura të interpretuara nga..
Para zgjedhjeve presidenciale në SHBA, jo vetëm amerikanët janë të emocionuar. Edhe evropianët po presin me frymë të lodhur rezultatet – a do të..
Shpesh thuhet me ironi se njerëzit në Maqedoninë e Veriut marrin nënshtetësinë bullgare vetëm për qëllime egoiste. Prandaj, në regjistrimin e fundit..