Over 6 million tourists have joined till now the Come to Know Bulgaria – 100 National Tourist Sites National Movement which will mark its 50 th jubilee in 2016. It is organized by the Bulgarian Tourist Union with no analogue across the globe...
Nature is an unsurpassed architect. For millions of years it has worked to create its unique pieces: the crystals that inspire a feeling of brilliance, refinement and beauty. Shown together in the same place, these properties of colored minerals..
The village of Brestovitza in the Rodope Municipality is not one of the typical Bulgarian villages where population declines and unemployment is high. There are more than 3000 people living here and their number has been growing. What keeps..
La aldea de Bréstovista, en el municipio de los Ródopes, no es una de las villas típicamente búlgaras que se van despoblando y luchan contra la pobreza y el desempleo. Hoy habitan la aldea más de 3 mil personas y su número va en aumento. La fuerza que..
A toast with the traditional grape or plum homemade brandy, also known as rakia, is a must on each Bulgarian table during various festivities and holidays. This alcoholic beverage is always part of the local weddings and christenings. People drink..
Doing homework or revising for school tests is not something many children enjoy, especially when they reach secondary school and the curriculum gets more and more difficult. That is when, for financial reasons or out of lack of motivation,..
The Dimitar Peshev House & Museum in the town of Kyustendil is a monument of culture, restored nowadays, in order to be a focal point for the memory of those Bulgarians, who managed to pluck from Hitler’s grip some 50,000 Jews who were to..
La Casa-museo de Dimitar Peshev en la ciudad de Kiustendil, es un monumento de la cultura que fue restablecido en nuestros días para conservar en un lugar el recuerdo de aquellos búlgaros que en 1943 lograron salvar de la garra de Hitler unos 50 mil..
Being unemployed in Bulgaria and relying on assistance from the state is a nightmare for a great number of people working in various spheres. The good news is that trade in Bulgaria has been improving and it seems that Europe has been slowly..
The environmentalists from Greenpeace Bulgaria, who organized several days ago an environmental forum in Sofia, focused their attention on Europe’s addiction to pesticides. The participants concluded that the farmers who use..
Para zgjedhjeve presidenciale në SHBA, jo vetëm amerikanët janë të emocionuar. Edhe evropianët po presin me frymë të lodhur rezultatet – a do të..
Shpesh thuhet me ironi se njerëzit në Maqedoninë e Veriut marrin nënshtetësinë bullgare vetëm për qëllime egoiste. Prandaj, në regjistrimin e fundit..
Kottarashky është një nga autorët më interesantë të muzikës që u shfaq në skenën bullgare në dekadën e parë të shekullit të ri. Pas këtij pseudonimi..