Programi i ditës

author: Albena Bezovska

"Wonderful Day, Magic Day" - song concert at the Sofia Opera

"Wonderful day, magic day, sun and love…,” is an excerpt from a poem by Anton Delvig, Russian poet, a contemporary and friend of Pushkin. Two of the most famous Bulgarian opera singers - Mariana Tsvetkova and Tsvetana Bandalovska,..

07.04.17 14:13 |

‘Sofya solistleri’ ve ‘Unutulmayanlar’ konseri

Prof. Plamen Curov kendisi besteci, Müzik akademisinde öğretim üyesi. Otuz yıldan beri ‘Sofya solistleri’ oda müziği orkestrasının başında. Prof. Curov son konseri hakkında neler bildirdi: ‘Merkez Ordu Evinde tamamen Bulgar programı sunduk...

07.04.17 13:32 |

TUMBAITO kicks off series of concerts with Bulgarian evergreens

A few years ago the TUMBAITO salsa formation released an album with Bulgarian pop songs from the golden decades of the genre – the 1960s, 70s and early 80s. The collection was named after the band and the concert version still has its..

01.04.17 11:30 |

Genç virtüözler seçiliyor

“Genç virtüözler” yarışmasının açılışı Sofya Filarmonisinin konseriyle yapıldı. Konserin solistler kemancı Ellie Choi ve piyanist Asen Tançev. Ellie Choi 2015 yılında “Yarışmanın keşfi” ödülüne sahip. Yarışma 1 Nisan günü başlıyor. ‘Genç virtüözler’..

31.03.17 10:38 |

Young Virtuosos competition opens tonight

A concert of the Sofia Philharmonic tonight opens the competition Young Virtuosos. Soloists are prize-winners from other editions of the contest who have received the distinction of the renowned orchestra - violinist Elli Choi and..

30.03.17 15:20 |

Tumbaito grubu “altın” Bulgar şarkılarından oluşan konserler dizisine başlıyor

Birkaç yıl ö nce “Tumbaito” adlı salsa grubu yüzyılın 60’lı, 70’li ve 80’li yılların başında yıllarda Bulgar pop şarkılarının altın örneklerinden oluşan bir alb ü m çıkarttı. A lb ü m grubun adıyla çıkarıldı. İzleyiciler bu..

30.03.17 10:43 |
En la apertura del festival, la Orquesta de la radio Clasic FM presentará el concierto para tres pianos de Mozart con solistas Gueorgui Cherkin, Victoria Vasilenko y Girgor Palikarov

Comienza еl Festival Europeo de la Música

En el día de hoy se inaugura oficialmente el Festival Europeo de la Música 2017 que continuará hasta el 6 de junio. Es la XVII edición del foro, organizado por la agencia musical Cantus Firmus en colaboración con el Ministerio de Cultura de Bulgaria...

29.03.17 15:36 |
Georgii Cherkin, Viktoria Vasilenko and Grigor Palikarov

European Music Festival 2017 begins

The 17th edition of the European Music Festival 2017 is unveiling officially on March 29 and will continue until June 6. It is organized by the team of Cantus Firmus agency. Bulgaria's Ministry of Culture is co-organizer of the event...

29.03.17 14:36 |

Suzanna Klintcharova: “Nuestra tarea no es sólo tocar de forma virtuosa, sino también inspirar nuevas obras a los compositores”

El arpa: fuente de inspiración es el nombre de una serie de clases magistrales que la Prof. Suzanna Klintcharova imparte en la Nueva Universidad Búlgara desde hace algunos años. Para sus cientos de discípulos por el mundo ella misma es una constante..

28.03.17 14:43 |

Suzanna Klintcharova: Inspiring composers for new works is just as important as is performing as a virtuoso

“The harp, source of inspiration” – this is the title of the master class Prof. Suzanna Klintcharova has been holding at New Bulgarian University for several years. To the hundreds of students she has had, now scattered around..

27.03.17 11:59 |