Le spécialiste en technologies d’information Petko Petkov est l’auteur d’un projet dont le but consiste à identifier et à recenser les arbres du parc « Bédétchka » de la ville de Stara Zagora. Une application web est en..
IT specialist Petko Petkov is the author of a project for identifying and passporting trees in Bedechka Park and within the bounds of the town of Stara Zagora. He has now reached the web application stage, but a mobile application is..
Two publishing houses in China vied for the opportunity to buy the rights for Nikola Raykov’s complete works – children’s books and board games. What sets them apart is that they are connected, and that the action in the games takes place in the..
Dos editoriales chinas han estado pujando por la oportunidad de adquirir los derechos de la obra íntegra de Nikola Raykov, que consta de libros para niños y juegos de mesa y que destacan por el hecho de que están interconectados y la acción en..
El turismo alternativo es un conjunto de prácticas sostenibles que apuntan, por igual, a satisfacer los intereses y necesidades individuales del turista y a conservar la naturaleza y cultura autóctonas. Se enfatiza en el roce con el entorno natural..
Alternative tourism is a set of sustainable practices aimed at satisfying the individual interests and needs of the tourist, as well as at preserving local nature and culture. The emphasis is on the contact with the preserved natural environment,..
Equipos de 28 países han participado en el concurso del gigante tecnológico Microsoft sobre innovaciones en la Educación llamado "The next AI Guardians" (Los próximos guardianes de inteligencia artificial). Uno de los seis equipos que ha arribado a la..
Teams from 28 countries participated in the competition of the high-tech giant Microsoft for innovations in education named “The next AI Guardians”. One of the six teams that reached the final scheduled for the middle of June consists of students from..
Es indiscutible la contribución que los bosques tienen a la calidad de vida de la humanidad. En Islandia, se ha llegado incluso a exhortar a los habitantes del país a abrazar los árboles para sobreponerse al confinamiento causado por la..
Forests are, without any doubt, essential to the quality of human life. In Iceland, for example, people were even urged to go and hug a tree as a way to overcome the isolation because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Forests and woodland in the..
Iluminist - njeri që me veprimet, idetë ose krijimtarinë e tij zgjon shpirtin e popullit, ruan dhe përhap vetëdijen, kulturën dhe edukimin kombëtar. Në..
Të dashur miq, sot në programin tonë të ditës ju ofrojmë tema të zgjedhura nga koleksioni i Radio Bullgarisë në gjuhën shqipe. Si zakonisht programi ynë..
GERB-SDS tërhoqi nominimin për kryetar të Kuvendit Popullor. Në provën e tetë zgjedhore janë tre kandidatët për kryetar të Kuvendit Popullor...