The National Palace of Culture (NDK), located in the heart of the capital Sofia, is the largest and most prestigious congress centre in Bulgaria. In the 1980s it was a model of a new era in the cultural industry. But there is much more to it. In four..
The Covid-19 pandemic left over 1,400 tour guides jobless due to the travel restrictions introduced for tourists from other countries and Bulgarians who have chosen to visit particular destination. The people known as “little ambassadors” are worried..
In the last few weeks, we have witnessed the gradual lifting of various bans connected with the Covid-19 pandemic. Normality and predictability in everyday life returned. City tours are among the best indicators of the revival of tourism,..
In addition to being the day of children, June 1 st also marks the beginning of carefree holiday months for the youngest pupils in Bulgaria - those from the 1 st to the 3 rd grade. And while the games completely fill their minds after the end of..
We live in times when something that can change the world completely happens every minute. We are witnessing completely new achievements of the technological revolution and constantly changing needs of the economic and investment environment on a..
Perhaps you would be surprised to learn that for every pain or health problem you can find a suitable healing mineral spring in Bulgaria. There are over 500 mineral springs in this country with a total flow of nearly 5,000 liters of water per second,..
A Swedish-Swiss concern for the manufacture of electrification products and industrial automation continues developing its business in Bulgaria and opened a new factory in the town of Petrich (Southwest Bulgaria). The company opened its second..
Bulgaria’s capital Sofia went through a lot of trials and vicissitudes in its millenial history. However, the city managed to preserve its rich cultural heritage from different eras of its existence. Today, Sofia continues to surprise even its..
Industrialization and urbanization in ever expanding territories are among the most objective indicators of the development of a city or a country. Along with the positives, however, urbanization brings negatives as well. We throw tons of waste..
On July 3 negotiations with the transport sector on the road toll fees continue. The new fees will be negotiated by the autumn of 2019. The Bulgarian society and the Bulgarian transport sector and haulers are eager to learn what is happening with..
Më 25 nëntor, Kisha Ortodokse Bullgare nderon kujtimin e Shën Kliment Ohridski. Kryepeshkop, mësues dhe letrar, ai ishte një nga..
Në festën e Hyrjes së Nënës së Zotit në Tempull më 21 nëntor sipas Kalendarit Gregorian dhe Ditën e Kryeengjëjve Mihaill dhe Gavrijil sipas Kalendarit..
25 nëntori u shpall Dita Ndërkombëtare për Eliminimin e Dhunës ndaj Grave me iniciativën e Kombeve të Bashkuara qysh në vitin 1999. Ideja është që qeveritë,..