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от 07.00 часа
Petyo Petrov, a.k.a the Euro

Investigator wanted for corruption accuses a European prosecutor of corruption

The Sofia city Prosecutor’s Office is to initiate a probe into a report by investigator Petyo Petrov a.k.a. the Euro (who is wanted for corruption – editorial note), said Hristo Krastev, Deputy Head of Sofia City Prosecutor's Office for 24 Chasa..

17.10.23 12:57 |

Interdicția de a bea apă potabilă și de a face baie în mare în Tsarevo, afectat de inundații, este încă în vigoare

Interdicția de a bea apă potabilă și de a face baie în mare în municipiul Țarevo este încă în vigoare. Decizia a fost luată de Inspectoratul Regional de Sănătate din Burgas după ce astăzi au fost anunțate rezultatele celei de-a treia probe, prelevate după..

13.09.23 16:00 |

Fără poluare a apei pe litoralul sudic al Mării Negre

Probele de apă de mare prelevate din 30 de situri de pe coasta sudică a Mării Negre nu au constatat nicio poluare periculoasă. Testele de puritate a apei au fost făcute în urma informațiilor potrivit cărora poluarea apei mării era de până la 41 de ori..

31.08.23 10:30 |

Dacă ouăle din Ucraina sunt bune pentru consum devine clar astăzi

Rezultatele testelor de laborator ale ouălor de găină importate din Ucraina vor deveni clare astăzi, a anunțat Agenția bulgară pentru siguranța alimentară. Probele vor fi folosite pentru a determina dacă acestea conțin radioactivitate, metale grele,..

24.03.23 05:25 |

EPPO probes Bulgaria into €500 million fraud

The European Public Prosecutor's Office is conducting 143 investigations in Bulgaria into suspected fraud against the EU budget worth nearly €500 million. According to the institution's 2022 report, assets worth €6.5 million were seized and one..

01.03.23 15:58 |
Bobov Dol TPP

Todor Galev: There is evidence of a protective umbrella over the falsification of data regarding TPP greenhouse gas emissions

“There is evidence that certain people in high public positions have been opening a protective umbrella over the falsification of data regarding greenhouse gas emissions, or have at least failed to probe shady deals,” Todor Galev from the Centre..

01.03.23 13:10 |

Prosecutor's Office investigates former minister of interior for suspected money laundering

Sofia City Prosecutor's Office has launched a probe into an alert from a representative of an online media against a former interior minister  and current member of the 48th National Assembly. The former minister allegedly ordered his subordinates not..

18.01.23 16:09 |

Probe launched into “golden passports” - citizenship by investment

The Supreme Administrative Prosecutor’s Office is launching a probe into the so-called “golden passports” after the matter was referred to them by the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, the prosecutor’s office has announced. Movement for..

07.02.22 09:56 |

Probe launched into agriculture subsidies

The “Agriculture” Fund is launching on-site inspections of applications submitted for direct payments during campaign 2021. The inspections will be of land and livestock declared under different schemes and measures, for which applications for..

13.07.21 12:59 |

Results of probe into police brutality during protests to be released within days

The results will be made public, by the end of next week, of the probe into the videos showing the use of physical force by police officers in front of the Council of Ministers building during the anti-government protests. The probe..

17.07.20 11:15 |
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