The parliamentary group of “We Continue the Change – Democratic Bulgaria” is organizing a round-table discussion today in the National Assembly, where the necessary legislative changes related to animal cruelty and the commitments of..
During an operation of the General Directorate Combating Organised Crime under the leadership and supervision of the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office and the National Revenue Agency, a criminal group involved in tax crimes and money..
During an operation by the General Directorate Combating Organized Crime on February 6, three Bulgarians were arrested for participating in an international criminal group operating on the territory of the European Union. A..
A Bulgarian businessman has been charged by the European Public Prosecutor's Office with attempted fraud with Chinese agricultural machinery. He tried to present the machinery as Bulgarian-made. A lawsuit has been filed in the Sofia..
To this date, the Ministry of the Interior has received 156 reports of violations of the Election Code, caretaker Minister of the Interior Kalin Stoyanov informed. According to him, the number of reports is almost equal to the one in..
Officers at the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint have seized marijuana and cocaine worth BGN 1 751 280 ( close to EUR 1 million) during an inspection of a van leaving the country. On 10 February, during an extensive customs inspection of a..
Le 31 janvier au soir a été tué à Sofia le criminel notoire Martin Bojanov, connu dans les milieux de la pègre comme le Notaire. Le ministère de l'Intérieur n'a pour l'instant pas de piste sur le motif du crime et continue de réunir des preuves, a annoncé..
Measures addressing crime were mapped out at a meeting of representatives of the Interior Ministry and the security services, convened by Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov over the increasing number of serious crimes in the country. Bulgarian..
For the first six months of 2023, 1,950 orders for protection from violence have been issued in Bulgaria. Their share is the highest in the regions of Veliko Tarnovo, Silistra and Razgrad, according to data from the General Directorate of the..
L'Ambassade d'Ukraine en Bulgarie a violemment réagi contre la projection du film documentaire "Azovstal" au Centre culturel russe à Sofia. Le message posté sur le profil Facebook de l'ambassade qualifie cette projection de "propagande ouverte de la guerre,..