La ora 06:50, ora Bulgariei, un cutremur a fost înregistrat în zona Muntelui Vrancea, în România. Epicentrul a fost la 53 km nord-vest de orașul Buzău. Potrivit Centrului Național Seismologic, cutremurul a avut o magnitudine de 5,6 grade pe scara..
On Thursday, at 06:50 Bulgarian time, a medium-intensity earthquake was registered in the region of Vrancea in Romania. The epicenter is 53 km northwest of the town of Buzău. According to the National Center for Seismology, the..
An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 on the Richter scale, registered last night in the region of Vrancea, Romania was felt in Northern Bulgaria. “Quakes of such magnitude are not destructive and are usually felt over a wide area because..
An earthquake with epicenter in Romania scared people living in the city of Russe and across northeastern Bulgaria early in the morning. The epicenter was in the Eastern Carpathians and more specifically in the notorious seismic zone of Vrancea. The..