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The Annunciation – the promised God's love is fulfilled

The Feast of the Annunciation is the day when God's promise for the salvation of the human soul from the eternal torments of darkness is fulfilled. Its message is that God loves us, says Father Bozhidar Marinov from the "Exaltation of the Holy Cross..

25.03.25 06:05 |

Creștinii ortodocși sărbătoresc conceperea lui Theotokos de către Sfânta Ana

Pe 9 decembrie Biserica Ortodoxă sărbătorește Conceperea Preasfintei Theotokos de către Sfânta Ana. Ioachim și Ana au rămas mult timp fără copii, în ciuda vieții lor neprihănite. Pe lângă durerea lor personală, ei au îndurat și oprobiul public,..

09.12.24 14:45 |

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Conception of Theotokos by St. Anne

On December 9 the Orthodox Church celebrates the Conception of the Most Holly Theotokos by Saint Anne. Joachim and Anne were childless for a long time despite their righteous life. In addition to their personal grief, they also endured public..

09.12.24 09:37 |

Bulgarians mark the Assumption of the Theotokos feast in the old calendar

Today, August 28, Bulgarians in many parts of the country celebrate the Assumption of the Theotokos in the old style calendar along with almost the entire Orthodox world.  The Assumption of the Theotokos glorifies the immense love of the Mother of..

28.08.24 09:01 |

The Assumption of the Theotokos glorifies the immense love of the Mother of God

They call the Holy Virgin Mother of true Life, who saves human souls from death with her prayers. She is the most loved and the most glorified after God, to whom everyone turns. The Orthodox Church honors her on August 15, the day of her..

15.08.24 06:10 |

"Golden Apple" miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos exhibited in Haskovo

For the second time this year, the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Golden Apple, considered miraculous for Orthodox Christians, will be exposed for worship in the town of Haskovo in Southern Bulgaria. This is announced by the Holy Metropolis of..

13.08.24 05:35 |

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity of the Theotokos

Today, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos , known in popular tradition as "Malka Bogoroditsa"", the small feast of the Theotokos. Church tradition says that God heard the prayers of the elderly..

08.09.23 09:39 |

On August 1, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church marks start of Theotokos Lent

On July 31, the Orthodox Church celebrates the day before the beginning of the Great Lent dedicated to the Theotokos . It lasts for 2 weeks and ends on August 15 with one of the biggest Christian holidays, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary or..

31.07.23 11:56 |

The feast of the Annunciation goes hand in hand with charity

The bright Christian holiday of the Annunciation, which we celebrate every year on March 25, is among the favorite spring holidays for the entire Christian world. Through the Virgin Mary, chosen as the purest among the virgins, motherhood..

25.03.23 10:50 |

Thousands of worshippers pay homage to Bachkovo monastery miraculous icon

Worshipers from all over the country accompanied the miraculous icon from Bulgaria's Bachkovo Monastery in the traditional liturgical procession to the Kluviata area , where the icon was found.  At the beginning of the 17th century, on Bright Monday,..

25.04.22 13:13 |
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