The damage control and fire-fighting teams in Shumen have responded to 10 reports of damage due to the strong wind, the Regional Directorate of the Interior Ministry has announced. More often than not the reports were of fallen trees and branches in..
Direcția Generală de Combatere a Criminalității Organizate, după ani de muncă, a descoperit la Șumen o grupare infracțională care producea bancnote false, a declarat în cadrul unui briefing, comisarul Boyan Raev, director adjunct al DGCPC. Există trei..
Shpella “Biserna” hapet për vizitorët nga 6 prilli, njoftoi Bashkimi Turistik Bullgar. Shpella më e gjatë dhe më e bukur në Pllajën e Shumenit - "Biserna" tërheq mijëra njerëz çdo vit. Rruga brenda është e gjatë rreth 800 metra në një drejtim...
Desde hace mucho tiempo Tsarev brod tiene la fama de una aldea internacional y sus habitantes se muestran orgullosos de ser herederos de tártaros, alemanes, turcos, búlgaros de Banato, rusos blancos, albaneses, checos, etc. En esta aldea en la región..
On the occasion of Vasilitsa holiday honored by the Roma community as the beginning of the New Year, children from the secondary school "Traiko Simeonov" in the town of Shumen paid a visit to Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov in the Council of Ministers...
The government reviewed key projects for new foreign investments in the municipalities of Pleven, Maritsa-Plovdiv and Shumen amounting to EUR 500 million, Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov has announced. “Bringing in investors capable of creating high..
A state of emergency has been declared in a number of districts in Bulgaria due to the severe weather conditions caused by the heavy snowfall over the weekend . The day will remain without classes for students in over 280 schools in 13 districts. T he..
Kampioni botëror i picës ende nuk mund ta perceptojë atë që i ka ndodhur. Svetosllav Mitev është vetëm 23 vjeç, jeton në Shumen dhe deri pak kohësh punonte si shpërndarës i thjeshtë picash në një restorant vendas. Por jeta është plot të papritura,..
Two people died in the region of Shumen, North-Eastern Bulgaria, after a strong storm on November 4 . A 51-year-old man from the village of Razvigorovo in the municipality of Hitrino was buried by a collapsed wall. A 67-year-old shepherd from Veliki..
El 4 de noviembre, una fuerte tormenta azotó el este de Bulgaria, causando dos víctimas en la región de Shumen. Un hombre de 51 años en Razvigorovo, una localidad en el municipio de Hitrino, quedó atrapado bajo la caída de un muro. Un pastor de 67 años en..