Eмисия новини
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Dobromir Jivcov

Market Links: 35% dintre bulgari doresc anularea alegerilor

Mai mult de 35% dintre locuitorii țării susțin ideea unei anulări complete a alegerilor parlamentare anticipate din 27 octombrie, arată un sondaj național finanțat și realizat în comun de bTV și agenția sociologică Market Links. 26% dintre respondenți..

21.11.24 13:15 |
Dobromir Schiwkow

Market Links: 35 Prozent der Bulgaren wollen Annullierung der Wahlen

Mehr als 35 Prozent der Bürger befürworten die Idee, dass die vorgezogenen Parlamentswahlen vom 27. Oktober dieses Jahres komplett annulliert werden sollten.  Das ergab eine nationale Umfrage, die vom Fernsehsender bTV und der..

21.11.24 11:59 |
Dobromir Zhivkov, Market Links

Market Links: 35% of Bulgarians want election to be annulled

More than 35% of people in this country support the idea of a full annulment of the 27 October early election for parliament , indicates a national survey financed and carried out jointly by bTV and Market Links sociological agency. 26% of the..

21.11.24 11:29 |

Market Links survey: 37% of voters ready to go to the polls on October 27

Five days before the early parliamentary elections, GERB-SDS are the first political force with 24%, followed by Democratic Bulgaria-We Continue the Change with 14.1%, Vazrazhdane -13.1%, Alliance for Rights and Freedoms -8.3%, Movement for Rights and..

22.10.24 10:04 |

6 κόμματα και συνασπισμοί μπαίνουν στο νέο κοινοβούλιο, προβλέπει η Market Links

Εάν οι εκλογές ήταν στις αρχές Οκτωβρίου, 6 κόμματα και συνασπισμοί θα έμπαιναν στην 51η Βουλή, σύμφωνα με έρευνα της MarketLinks που ανέθεσε το bTV. Πρώτο είναι το GERB-ΕΔΔ με 23,1% των ψήφων. Το «Συνεχίζουμε την αλλαγή - Δημοκρατική Βουλγαρία»..

04.10.24 10:00 |

Market Links survey: 6 parties and coalitions enter future parliament

If the general elections were to be held at the beginning of October, 6 parties and coalitions would enter the Bulgarian parliament, a Market Links poll, commissioned by bTV shows. GERB/SDS would earn 23.1% of the votes, followed by We..

04.10.24 09:52 |

Seis partidos y coaliciones entrarán en el nuevo parlamento, pronostica Market Links

Si las elecciones se celebran a principios de octubre, seis partidos y coaliciones entrarán en el 51º parlamento, según una encuesta de Market Links encargada por bTV. GERB-CDC gana un 23,1%. Continuamos con el cambio - Bulgaria Democrática y..

04.10.24 09:40 |

Sondaj Market Links: GERB rămâne principala forță politică, 44% dintre respondenți doresc alegeri anticipate

GERB-SDS ar fi principala forță politică dacă alegerile parlamentare ar avea loc pe 1 august, se arată într-un sondaj al Market Links comandat de bTV. Sondajul a fost realizat în rândul a 1 008 adulți în perioada 20 - 28 iulie. GERB-SDS câștigă..

01.08.24 16:15 |

GERB ist erste politische Kraft, 44 Prozent der Wähler wollen vorgezogene Wahlen

Wenn die Parlamentswahlen am 1. August stattfinden würden, wäre GERB-SDS die erste politische Kraft. Das belegt eine Umfrage von Market Links. GERB-SDS erhält 23 Prozent Unterstützung.  Die Koalition „Wir setzen die Veränderung..

01.08.24 11:22 |

Market Links survey: GERB remains leading political force, 44% of respondents want early elecions

GERB-SDS would be the leading political force if parliamentary elections were held on August 1, reads a survey of Market Links  commissioned by bTV. The survey was conducted among 1,008 adults in the period July 20- July 28.  GERB-SDS earns the..

01.08.24 10:39 |
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