Las coronas rocosas, que se yerguen sobre el río Rusenski Lom y sus afluentes - Beli Lom, Cherni Lom y Mali Lom - son un auténtico imán para los amantes de la naturaleza y para aquellos que buscan la adrenalina. La región entera es conocida como..
An encolpion cross came to light during archaeological investigations of the ancient Almus fortress in Bulgaria's town of Lom situated on the Danube River. The cross is about 1,100 years old and was made during the reign of Tsar Simeon the Great (from 893..
Tuna nehri üzerinde yer alan Lom şehrinde “Almus” antik kalesinde yapılan arkeolojik kazılarda çok değerli bir keşif gün ışığına çıktı. Bulgaristan Bilimler Akademisi Ulusal Arkeoloji Enstitüsü uzmanı dr. Vladislav Jivkov’un belirttiği..
People from the towns along the River Danube have grown accustomed to seeing the participants in one of the world’s oldest rowing tourist tours - Tour International Danubien - in summer. The international tourist regatta along the Danube has..
In Northwest Bulgaria, usually presented as a land of poverty, alienation and hopelessness, there is one village that is proof that no decline is irreversible. All it takes to make a place come alive again is a commitment to make the world you inhabit..
Ambarcațiunea Danuvina Alacris - „Dunărea vie", replică a unei nave romane de lux, a parcurs cu succes distanța dintre orașele Vidin și Lom, aflate pe malul bulgăresc al Dunării. Barca a fost construită în timp de 2 ani în Germania, folosind tehnologie..
Le bateau "Danuvina Alacris" rappelant les embarcations romaines a parcouru la distance entre Vidin et Lom sur le Danube. La galère a été construite en deux ans en Allemagne d'après une technologie datant du 4e siècle avant Jésus-Christ. Le "Danuvina..
La sécheresse qui s’est étendue à toute l’Europe inquiète de plus en plus les Bulgares vivant sur leson berges du Danube. Le niveau trop bas des eaux provoque de grosses pertes pour la navigation. Des centaines de bateaux sont en attente dans la..
Der Umweltminister Borislaw Sandow hat die Bucht Koral zum Schutzgebiet erklärt. Vom 1. Oktober bis 1. März ist es motorisierten Booten verboten, die Bucht zu befahren, mit Ausnahme von Fischerbooten. Verboten sind ferner der Anbau von Aquakulturen..
Ruse Tarih Müzesi, 25 Haziran günü Ruse yakınlarındaki Ortaçağ kalesi Çerven’de İlk Ritüel Ekmek Festivali’ni düzenlenecek. Festivalde, düğün, Paskalya, Gergövden, Enöden, Trifon Zarezan olmak üzere eski geleneklerin bir parçası olan ritüel ekmekler..