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Jesus Caballero a câștigat premiul Managerul Anului pentru 2024

Dacă criza politică continuă, beneficiile pierdute vor atinge un prag după care afacerile bulgare vor începe să piardă din competitivitate din cauza deficitelor tot mai mari în educație, sănătate, infrastructură, dezvoltare regională și demografie...

05.11.24 14:00 |

Un nouveau Terminal à l'aéroport de Sofia ?

"L'investissement dans le Terminal 3 de l'aéroport de Sofia imprimera une nouvelle impulsion à l'industrie des voyages en Europe de l'Est". C'est ce qu'a déclaré Jesus Caballero, directeur exécutif de "SOF Connect", concessionnaire de l'aéroport de Sofia,..

10.09.24 13:09 |

L’aéroport de Sofia après son entrée dans l'espace Schengen

Ce 31 mars, la Bulgarie et la Roumanie ont intègré l'espace Schengen par voie aérienne et maritime, l’Autriche restant le dernier obstacle devant l’adhésion complète des deux pays en tant que membres à part entière de l’espace de libre circulation, un..

31.03.24 11:36 |

Airports in Sofia and Burgas ready to open Schengen corridors overnight

More than two-thirds of the passengers at Sofia Airport will pass through the terminals faster once Bulgaria enters Schengen by air on 31 March because there will be no passport control, said Jesus Caballero, CEO of the company operating Sofia..

09.01.24 09:37 |
Jesus Caballero, CEO of SOF Connect

Work is ongoing to launch direct Sofia-New York flight

“There are encouraging signs for the launch of direct Sofia-New York flights on the basis of the interest of more than 50,000 potential passengers a year,” declared Jesus Caballero , CEO of SOF Connect , operator of Sofia Airport , addressing the..

04.02.22 09:35 |
Jesus Caballero (L) and Hristo Prodanov (R)

Sofia Airport to promote and help Bulgaria’s tourism

Tourism is very closely connected with Sofia Airport. There is an opportunity for mutual support and cooperation, taking into account that Sofia Airport is the gateway to Bulgaria, this country’s Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov said at a..

12.01.22 10:45 |
Jesus Caballero (majtas) dhe Hristo Prodanov

Aeroporti i Sofjes do të promovojë dhe ndihmojë turizmin bullgar

Turizmi është i lidhur ngushtë me Aeroportin e Sofjes. Suksesi i turizmit është një sukses edhe për aeroportin. Ekziston një potencial për mbështetje dhe bashkëpunim të ndërsjellë, duke pasur parasysh faktin se aeroporti i kryeqytetit është dera e..

12.01.22 10:45 |
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