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Η Lukoil διέψευσε τις πληροφορίες ότι διαπραγματεύεται με κονσόρτσιουμ για πώληση του διυλιστηρίου στο Μπουργκάς

Μετά το δημοσίευμα της εφημερίδας Financial Times ότι η Lukoil έχει την πρόθεση να πωλήσει το διυλιστήριο πετρελαίου στη Βουλγαρία σε κονσόρτσιουμ μεταξύ του Κατάρ και της Βρετανίας μέχρι το τέλος του έτους, από την εταιρεία βγήκαν με επίσημη θέση...

08.11.24 08:36 |

“Lukoil” mohoi se është duke negociuar me një konsorcium për shitjen e rafinerisë në Burgas

Pas publikimit në "Financial Times" se kompania ruse "Lukoil" po përgatitet t'i shesë rafinerinë në Burgas të Bullgarisë një konsorciumi kataro-britanik deri në fund të vitit, kompania lëshoi një qëndrim zyrtar. Në një letër për mediat, pronari i rafinerisë..

07.11.24 15:09 |
Vlladimir Malinov

Ministri i еnergjisë mësoi nga mediat për shitjen e “Lukoil Neftohim Burgas” nga kompania ruse

Ministri në detyrë i еnergjisë, Vlladimir Malinov, njoftoi në një konferencë se as ai dhe as Ministria e Energjisë nuk kanë informacion për shitjen e Lukoil Neftohim Burgas. Dje, Financial Times, duke cituar burimet e veta, raportoi se gjigandi rus i..

06.11.24 17:37 |
Lukoil Neftochim in Burgas

FT: Russian oil company Lukoil plans to sell its Bulgarian refinery to Qatari-British consortium

The Russian state oil company Lukoil has plans to sell its Bulgarian refinery Neftochim based in Burgas on the Black Sea Coast. It is the largest in the Balkans, writes the Financial Times .  The deal is expected to be announced by the end of..

06.11.24 11:55 |

FT: "Лукойл" планирует продать "Нефтохим" в Бургасе катарско-британскому консорциуму

Российская компания "Лукойл" планирует продать свой болгарский нефтеперерабатывающий завод в Бургасе. Он является крупнейшим на Балканах, пишет Financial Times (FT). Ожидается, что о сделке будет объявлено до конца 2024 г. "Лукойл" уже направил письмо..

06.11.24 11:23 |

Vers une cession de la raffinerie Lukoïl de Bourgas?

"La pression du gouvernement bulgare sur les compagnies russes a incité LUKOIL à lancer une procédure de cession de la raffinerie bulgare à Bourgas". C'est ce qu'a déclaré le ministre des Finances, Assen Vassilev dans une tribune dans le "Financial Times"...

18.10.23 09:46 |

FT: Pfizer е искала от Европа да плати за ваксини, които няма да бъдат произведени, но е срещнала съпротива

Британският вестник "Файненшъл таймс" (The Financial Times) съобщава, позовавайки се на запознати източници, за закрито заседание на министрите на здравеопазването на страните-членки на ЕС, на което са представени новите условия на договора с..

15.03.23 07:29 | Европа
Kozloduy NPP

European Commission to help EU countries, Bulgaria included, end reliance on Russian nuclear fuel, The Financial Times writes

Brussels is to help EU countries end their dependency on Russian nuclear fuel as it seeks to cut the bloc’s ties to Russian energy by 2027 , The Financial Times writes. The European Commission said it would assist the five EU states - Czech Republic,..

20.05.22 15:16 |

Greece and Germany ready to increase gas supplies to Bulgaria and Poland

Greece and Germany are poised to send more gas to Bulgaria and Poland after the suspension of Russian imports , the Financial Times reported, citing data from German and Greek gas operators and increased volumes of reserved gas capacities at the..

29.04.22 11:35 |

EU gewährt weitere 500 Mio. Euro für Waffen für Ukraine

Die Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der Layen, will heute Kiew besuchen, um Europas unerschütterliche Unterstützung für die Ukraine zu demonstrieren. Die EU hat ein Embargo gegen Kohleimporte aus Russland verhängt und russischen..

08.04.22 11:28 |
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