Bulgarien kann seine Emissionen senken, ohne Kohlekraftwerke zu schließen. Das erklärte der geschäftsführende Vizepremier Atanas Pekanow nach einem Treffen mit Celine Gauer von der Europäischen Kommission, die für den Wiederaufbau- und..
Bulgaria can cut carbon emissions without having to close down coal-fired power plants , Deputy Prime Minister Atanas Pekanov said after a meeting with the head of the European Commission's recovery and sustainability task force, Celine Gauer. According..
"The projects included in the Recovery and Resilience Plan should ensure the sustainable development of the Bulgarian economy. Bulgaria views the Recovery and Resilience Plan not just in terms of financing, but as an opportunity for real..
"Proiectele incluse în Planul de redresare și reziliență ar trebui să asigure dezvoltarea durabilă a economiei bulgare. Pentru Bulgaria, Planul de redresare și reziliență nu reprezintă doar o sursă de finanțare, ci și o oportunitate pentru o modernizare..
Technological classrooms equipped using European funds under the Recovery and Resilience Plan will bring science closer to students, improving their practical knowledge. This is the main goal of the project "STEM centers and innovations" the..
Technologische Klassenzimmer , die im Rahmen des Aufbau- und Nachhaltigkeitsplans mit europäischen Mitteln ausgestattet werden, sollen den Schülern die Wissenschaft näherbringen und ihr praktisches Wissen erhöhen . Darin besteht das Hauptziel des..