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Photo: Jérémie Bergeron/Radio-Canada

Ministry of Foreign Affairs cautions Bulgarians on severe weather in Canada

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends that Bulgarian citizens traveling or residing in Canada keep themelselves well-informed about the current weather conditions, and regularly check the status of their flights. The Canadian Meteorological..

19.02.25 08:55 |

No Bulgarian citizens injured in Toronto plane crash

The Consulate General of Bulgaria in Toronto announced that it has organized a crisis headquarters and is monitoring the situation with the plane crash at Pearson Airport in the Canadian city. A plane from Minneapolis to Toronto..

18.02.25 08:53 |

Radoslav Iancov ocupă locul 3 în slalomul uriaș paralel - Val St. Come

Veteranul snowboarder sloven Žan Košir a câștigat slalomul uriaș paralel masculin în Val St. Come, Canada, după ce l-a învins în finală pe austriacul Benjamin Karl. Locul al treilea i-a revenit bulgarului Radoslav Iancov, care l-a devansat pe italianul..

16.02.25 14:00 |

Iordanka Hristova pornește într-un turneu de adio în SUA și Canada

După șase decenii pe scenă, cântăreața pop Iordanka Hristova pornește într-un turneu de adio în SUA și Canada, deși nu își încheie cariera, informează BG Voice. ”Vreau să cânt în toate orașele cât încă sunt în formă, nu numai în SUA, Canada și Mexic, ci..

15.02.25 12:00 |

Sts. Cyril and Methodius School in Vancouver preserves the knowledge about Bulgaria alive for 30 years

About 70,000 Bulgarians are currentingly residing in Canada, according to data from the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There are seven Bulgarian Sunday schools in the country. During the past 2023/2024 academic year, one of them - "St...

08.09.24 10:35 |

Bulgaria has its own Cultural Heritage Day in the Canadian province of British Columbia

May 24 has been announced as Bulgarian Cultural Heritage Day in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The document was personally signed by the mayor of Vancouver, and the credit for this goes to the team of the Consulate General of Bulgaria in..

23.05.24 07:45 |

May 24 will be Bulgaria Day in the Canadian province of British Columbia

Bulgaria will have a special day in British Columbia and in the city of Vancouver. May 24 will be declared Bulgaria Day.  This was announced by Velislava Panova, Consul General of Bulgaria in Toronto .  Velislava Panova pointed out that the..

17.04.24 09:41 |

The Foundation tours the US and Canada

Bulgarians in the US and Canada are looking forward to the tour by the Bulgarian supergroup The Foundation . The musicians: Kiril Marichkov, Ivan Lechev, Doni, Slavcho Nikolov and Venko Poromanski have been performing together for 11 years, to the..

15.04.24 18:17 |

Days of Bulgaria in Shipka, Ontario

The Bulgarian Consulate General in Toronto, Canada has invited Bulgarians living in Canada, and Canadian citizens to celebrate, together, the Days of Bulgaria in Shipka Ontario. The event will take place at 5 PM on 11 May. It will demonstrate the..

11.04.24 18:20 |

Bulgarian folklore dances near Niagara Falls in June

The already traditional Waterfall Folklore Fest Niagara, which takes place in the city of Niagara Falls, Canada, will attract fans of Bulgarian folklore on June 15 this year, the organizers have announced on Facebook.  The festival..

18.01.24 15:35 |
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