Bulgar edebiyatının Patriği İvan Vazov , Kuzeybatı Bulgaristan’da Koca Balkan Dağı’nda bulunan Berkovitsa kasabasını görünce ilk izlenimlerini şu sözleriyle tarif ediyor “Ah, ne muhteşem bir doğa var burada. Bu bilinmeyen cennette, nasıl bir..
« Et que la nature est merveilleuse ici. Quelle beauté dans ce coin inconnu du paradis ! » : c’est ainsi que le patriarche de la littérature bulgare Ivan Vazov énonce ses premières impressions de la ville de Berkovitsa dans la Stara planina et..
“¡Qué maravillosa naturaleza la de aquí! ¡Cuánta belleza en este pequeño paraíso desconocido!” Así describe el patriarca de la literatura búlgara, Ivan Vazov , sus primeras impresiones de la antigua ciudad montañesa de Berkóvitsa , en el noroeste de..
"Nature here is so majestic. So much beauty in this unknown nook of paradise!" - This is how the patriarch of Bulgarian literature, Ivan Vazov, described his first impressions of the old mountain town of Berkovitsa in north-western Bulgaria. Located..
Kom tepesi yakınında yer alan yeşilliğe bürünmüş Berkovitsa şehri ,küçük bir taşra bölgesidir ve Bulgaristan’ın en büyük yazarı İvan Vazov’un hatırasını hala korumakta. İvan Vazov Mart 1879’dan 18 Eylül 1880 yılına kadar burada kaldı ve bu dönemin..
Berkovitsa, a small and quiet town, immersed in greenery at the foot of the majestic peak Kom (2016 m), still keeps the memory of the most emblematic Bulgarian poet and writer Ivan Vazov. The Patriarch of Bulgarian literature lived in this town..
On September 5, Berkovitsa Brass Band and the Municipality of Berkovitsa invite you to the 7th Northwestern Festival of Brass Music - BDM FEST. The town of Berkovitsa gathers fans of fast beats for yet another year. Different formations will take..
15 régions du pays sont placées en vigilance orange pluie-inondations. Selon Météo Bulgarie, les pluies seront particulièrement fortes dans l'Ouest et le Centre de la Bulgarie. Les autres régions sont placées en vigilance jaune. La nuit dernière, des..
A partial state of alert has been declared in Etropole after heavy rain during the night. The three local rivers burst their banks, Etropole deputy mayor Stanka Dimitrova said for the BNR. A major bridge to the pump station which provides the..
"Le gouvernement n'a pas l'intention de nommer du jour au lendemain les nouveaux gouverneurs de région pour remplacer ceux qui ont donné leur démission. Les remplacements se feront par étapes", a indiqué le premier ministre Nikolay Denkov lors du Conseil..