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The new Bulgarian National Assembly and its priorities

Chaired by the most senior Member of Parliament Dr. Silvi Kirilov, the MPs from the new 47 th National Assembly of Bulgaria took an oath in all of their actions to be guided by the interests of the people of Bulgaria. President Rumen..

03.12.21 15:00 |

Bulgaria sees promising start of negotiations for a new government

The meetings that the political formation "We continue the change" held with the Bulgarian Socialist Party, "There is Such a People" and "Democratic Bulgaria" took place in a constructive spirit. This was announced for the BNR by Daniel Lorer from the..

16.11.21 19:35 |

Fillim konstruktiv i negociatave për një qeveri të re

Takimet e formacionit “Po e vazhdojmë ndryshimin” me BSP-në, “Ka një popull të tillë” dhe “Bullgaria Demokratike” u zhvilluan në frymë konstruktive, bëri të ditur për BNR Daniel Lorer nga partia fituese e zgjedhjeve parlamentare. Të gjithë pjesëmarrësit..

16.11.21 19:25 |
Hristo Ivanov

Hristo Ivanov steps down as co-chairman of Democratic Bulgaria, VMRO leadership resigns in wake of elections

Hristo Ivanov is stepping down as leader of Yes, Bulgaria, one of the parties from the coalition Democratic Bulgaria. “The election result of Democratic Bulgaria is extremely bad compared to the previous elections for parliament,” Democratic..

15.11.21 17:22 |
Hristo Ivanov

Dorëheqje pas zgjedhjeve në “Po, Bullgaria!” dhe në VMRO

Rezultati i koalicionit “Bullgaria Demokratike” është jashtëzakonisht i keq në krahasim me zgjedhjet e kaluara parlamentare, komentoi në rrjetet sociale bashkëkryetari i formacionit Hristo Ivanov. "Duhet të merret përgjegjësi". Po e jap dorëheqjen..

15.11.21 17:03 |
Hristo Ivanov

“Bullgaria Demokratike”: Mund të krijohet qeveri pa GERB dhe DPS

"Le të përshëndesim “Po e vazhdojmë ndryshimin”. Rezultati i tyre është i fortë dhe një prej shkaqeve kryesore për humbjen e votave tona i detyrohet pikërisht suksesit të tyre”, deklaroi bashkëkryetari i “Bullgarisë Demokratike” Hristo..

15.11.21 00:39 |

"Democratic Bulgaria": Government can be formed without GERB and MRF

"Let's congratulate 'We Continue the Change.' Their result is strong and a large part of the reasons why we registered such an outflow is due to their result," the co-chair of "Democratic Bulgaria" Hristo Ivanov said in a comment on..

15.11.21 00:32 |

Otro “partido del cambio” pone rumbo a las elecciones

Por primera vez en un año, los búlgaros votarán por tercera vez consecutiva en unas elecciones parlamentarias. Esto se ha vuelto indispensable tras fracasar las Legislaturas 45ª y 46ª de la Asamblea Nacional en el empeño de alumbrar un Gobierno..

16.09.21 13:27 |

Is the third cabinet-forming mandate doomed?

The Bulgarian Socialist Party, which is the third-largest party in the National Assembly, received the third cabinet forming mandate. When this country’s President Radev handed the socialists the third and last exploratory mandate, m any political..

31.08.21 13:56 |

Hristo Ivanov: The handing of the third government-forming mandate to the BSP marked the start of the election campaigning

“I went to see Slavi Trifonov (leader of ITN – editorial note) to call on him so that, with the third exploratory mandate , we can correct the mistakes we failed to mend during the first mandate,” “Democratic Bulgaria” co-chair Hristo Ivanov..

29.08.21 11:43 |
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