I am comforted to see the United States and Bulgaria standing together to address the coronavirus challenge , the Ambassador of the United Stated to Bulgaria Herro Mustafa said . At the end of an online meeting with her fellow American citizens in..
On behalf of the US Embassy in Sofia, I express my sincere thanks to all Bulgarians who are on the front line in the fight against the novel coronavirus. This is what the US Ambassador to Bulgaria Herro Mustafa said in a short video. "We also thank..
"En nombre de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Sofía deseo expresar mis sinceros agradecimientos a todos los búlgaros de la primera línea de la lucha contra el coronavirus". Ha expresado lo anterior en breve mensaje video Herro Mustafa, embajadora..
SHBA-ja do të dërgojë një këshilltar të ri në ambasadën në Sofje, i cili të përgjigjet për temat e lidhura me lirinë e fjalës, superioritetin e ligjit dhe minoritetet, bëri të ditur ambasadorja amerikane Herro Mustafa. Diplomatja respektoi traditën e..
The United States will send a new advisor to the embassy in Sofia in charge of the issues of freedom of speech, rule of law and minorities, the newly appointed US Ambassador Herro Mustafa said. The diplomat honored the tradition of US ambassadors in..
I am proud with the fact that the American companies have invested USD 2.5 billion in the Bulgarian economy, created 30,000 job positions and are the sixth biggest investor in this country, the Ambassador of the USA to Bulgaria Herro Mustafa said...
At his first meeting with the new US ambassador to Bulgaria Herro Mustafa at the Council of Ministers, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov stated that the dialogue between the two countries was sustainable at all levels and that he expected the development..
Në takimin e parë me Ambasadoren e re të SHBA-së në Bullgari Herro Mustafa, që u mbajt në Këshillin e Ministrave, Kryeministri Bojko Borisov deklaroi se dialogu mes dy vendeve tona është i qëndrueshëm në të gjitha nivelet dhe po pret që marrëdhëniet të..
Herro Mustafa has been nominated to become the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States to Bulgaria. The U.S. diplomat will replace Eric Rubin. Ms. Mustafa is currently Deputy Chief of Mission at the United States..