A group of Jewish pilgrims from New York paid tribute to the memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel. They lit candles at the memorial complex of Rabbi Eliezer Papo in Silistra and prayed for peace and the rescue of..
Nach den überraschenden Terroranschlägen der Hamas auf Israel stuften die bulgarischen Behörden die terroristische Bedrohung für unser Land als gering ein, mit Ausnahme von Orten wie Flughäfen, Bahnhöfen, Synagogen und israelischen Touristen, für die die..
Pas sulmeve befasuese terroriste të organizatës “Hamas” ndaj shtetit të Izraelit, autoritetet bullgare e vlerësuan të ulët nivelin e kërcënimit terrorist ndaj vendit tonë. Përjashtim janë aeroportet, stacionet e trenit, sinagogat, turistët nga shteti..
İsrail devletinde başlayan savaşın daha ilk saatlerinde Bulgaristan dayanışma ve üzüntüsünü dile getirdi. Başbakan Nikolay Denkov masum insanlar üzerindeki şiddeti ve “Hamas” terör saldırısını sert dille kınadı . Denkov: “İsrail halkıyla tam..
After the surprising terrorist attacks of the Hamas organization on the State of Israel, the Bulgarian authorities assessed the level of terrorist threat to Bulgaria as low, with the exception of places such as airports, train stations, synagogues,..
There is no danger for Bulgaria from the general threats of terrorist activity. The threat level remains at the lowest level - third , which means that vigilance is needed, said Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov at a briefing in the Council of Ministers..
Terörle Mücadele Ulusal Merkezi toplantısı sonrası Bakanlar Kurulu’nda düzenlenen basın toplantısında konuşan Başbakan Nikolay Denkov, “Bulgar istan için terör faaliyetlerinden kaynaklanan genel tehdit riski yok. Tehdit düzeyi en düşük..
Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov is calling a meeting of the Council of Ministers’ counter-terrorism centre , at 6 PM today, over the attack by Hamas against Israel, the government press service has announced. PM Nikolay Denkov condemn Hamas’..
"I categorically condemn Hamas ’ terrorist attacks against Israel and the violence against innocent Israeli citizens", Bulgaria's Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov said in a statement, as quoted by the government press service . ''..
Zjarri i vazhdueshëm me raketa nga Hamas dhe organizata të tjera terroriste kundër Izraelit, i cili terrorizon të dy vendet, është i papranueshëm dhe ne e dënojmë atë. Këtë e deklaroi Ministri i Jashtëm Bullgar Svetllan Stoev përparakonferencës..