Eмисия новини
от 07.00 часа
Banorët e Trënit preferuan perspektivën për zhvillimin e turizmit dhe bujqësisë para mundësisë për nxjerrjen e arit, megjithëse kjo është një nga krahinat më të pazhvilluara ekonomikisht të Bullgarisë.

Kultura e pjesëmarrjes aktive civile kalon përmes referendumeve vendore

Gjatë dy javëve të fundit derisa në hapësirën publike dhe në Parlament zhvilloheshin debate për legjislacionin zgjedhor dhe aplikimin eventual të sistemit mazhoritar në Bullgari, në dy qytete bullgare u zhvilluan referendume vendore. Veni ynë nuk ka..

26.06.17 13:18 |

People in Trun municipality reject gold mining proposal in referendum

93 percent of all people who took part in the local referendum voted against With an overwhelming majority, the people from Trun municipality rejected the proposal for future gold mining in the area, indicate the results of the local..

12.06.17 11:26 |

GERB submits bill on introduction of majority voting system

GERB party has submitted to parliament a bill on the introduction of a majority voting system for general elections in Bulgaria. By doing so, the ruling party is living up to its commitment to turn the results of the referendum held in the..

10.05.17 12:20 |

Turkish opposition to contest referendum results

After Turkish president Erdogan claimed victory in a referendum that could give him sweeping powers, the opposition in Turkey said they are to call for a recount of over 35 percent of the votes over doubts of violations that took place.  The opposition..

17.04.17 12:00 |

As of today Bulgarians with Turkish citizenship and Turkish citizens in Bulgaria can vote in the referendum in Turkey

Bulgarians with dual citizenship – Bulgarian and Turkish - as well as Turkish citizens living in this country can vote in the national referendum on constitutional amendments in Turkey as of today. To this end, at the request of the Turkish..

07.04.17 10:28 |

Movement for Rights and Freedoms issues declaration on referendum in Turkey

he Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) has issued a declaration in connection with the upcoming referendum in Turkey: “On 16 April Turkey will vote in a referendum on constitutional changes that will change it forever. And not just Turkey...

06.04.17 10:37 |

Intriga kryesore tani është se kur dhe si do të zhvillohen zgjedhjet e parakohshme parlamentare

Pasi edhe Blloku i Reformatorëve ia ktheu Presidentit Rosen Plevneliv mandatin për krijimin e qeverisë së re, intriga nëse në kuadrin e Parlamentit të tanishëm do të ketë qeveri të rregullt apo jo tashmë nuk ekziston. Mirëpo, tani ka një intrigë tjetër..

21.12.16 12:45 |

Supreme Administrative Court orders recount of referendum ballots

The Supreme Administrative Court of Bulgaria has ordered a recount of the ballots from the 6 November national referendum in 44 electoral districts. This will take place as part of the mathematical and statistical expert analysis which the..

14.12.16 16:26 |

Referendum: Central Election Commission inconclusive results

The inconclusive results of the Central Election Commission from the national referendum held on Sunday suggest that the majority of voters gave affirmative answers to the three questions in it: 73.84 percent agree that MPs should be elected under..

07.11.16 11:58 |

Presidential elections and national referendum: exit-poll

Presidential elections in Bulgaria ended. According to the exit-poll of the sociological agencies, Rumen Radev, nominated by initiative committee and supported by the Bulgarian Socialist Party earned between 24% and 26.7% of the votes, followed by GERB..

06.11.16 21:34 |
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