Până de curând, industria tradițională bulgară de apărare era considerată depășită, dar nu departe de granița bulgară se duce un război intens. Se pare că capacitatea industriei bulgare de a produce muniții, arme mici și ușoare, reparații de echipamente..
"Until recently, the traditional Bulgarian defence industry was considered obsolete, but not far from the Bulgarian border an intense war is being fought, Defence Minister Todor Tagarev said at the 19th National Innovation Forum "Innovations and..
"Hier encore, l'industrie de défense traditionnelle bulgare était considérée comme étant vétuste et totalement amorphe, alors qu'une guerre acharnée est menée à proximité de nos frontières. Et pourtant, les capacités de production de notre industrie qui..
Twenty years after the terrorist attack against the base “India” in Karbala, in which five Bulgarian servicemen were killed, the date was marked at the Central Military Club in Sofia with a screening of the film “Stories from Karbala”, BGNES..
Le 20e anniversaire de l'attentat terroriste contre la base "India" à Kerbala, qui a causé la mort de 5 militaires bulgares, a été marqué au Cercle des Armées par la projection du documentaire "Récits de Kerbala", annonce BGNES. Le ministre de la Défense,..
Bulgaria participated in the fifteenth edition of the NATO Cyber Coalition 2023 cyber defence exercise in Tallinn , Estonia, from 27 November to 1 December, the Defence Ministry said. More than 1,000 people from 28 NATO Allies, 7 Partner countries..
La Bulgarie prend part à la 15e édition de l'exercice de l'OTAN en matière de cybersécurité "Cyber Coalition 2023". 1000 agents de 30 structures de l'OTAN, l'UE et des pays membres prennent part à cette opération. "Ce genre d'exercice est très utile pour..
"Sunt dăunător intereselor rusești în Bulgaria și intereselor rusești menite să mențină apărarea Bulgariei subfinanțată, cu arme vechi, dependentă în toate modurile posibile de Federația Rusă. Acest lucru nu se va întâmpla", a declarat pentru BNR..
"I am harmful to Russian interests in Bulgaria and Russian interests aimed at keeping Bulgaria's defense underfunded, with old weapons, dependent in every possible way on the Russian Federation. This will not happen", Minister of Defense Todor..
"The Kremlin's narrative is received quite favourably by a significant part of the population. However, this is changing and more and more Bulgarians are supporting Ukraine", stated Defense Minister Todor Tagarev in an interview with the Ukrainian..