On Monday the weather in Bulgaria will be sunny and hot. There will be a weak to moderate wind along the Black Sea coast. The prevailing maximum temperatures tomorrow will be between 32°C and 37°C , in Sofia - around 33°C. It will..
In einer parlamentarischen Erklärung forderte die Partei Wasrazhdane die Außenministerin Maria Gabriel auf, den deutschen Botschafter in Sofia zu Beratungen zu Nordmazedonien einzubestellen. Grund ist die Aussage von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz auf der..
In a letter to European leaders and institutions, President Rumen Radev calls for the accession of the Republic of North Macedonia to the EU to be linked to the fulfillment of the membership criteria, not to lobbying. According to Radev, EU member..
În perioada 21-27 iunie la Cinemateca din Macedonia de Nord va avea loc Săptămâna filmului documentar bulgăresc. În cele șapte seri, spectatorii vor putea viziona filme din noul val documentar al cinematografiei bulgare. Cele zece filme de scurt..
All texts in the progress report on North Macedonia's accession to the EU will be voted individually on June 27 , MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk, who is rapporteur for Skopje, told Bulgarian National Radio. Mr. Kyuchyuk pointed out that he has been working on..
The declaration of the Bundestag is an internal act that does not change the decisions taken by the EU Council in July 2022 on North Macedonia's European path. This is the position of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry , published on the ministry's..
The actions of Bulgaria's MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk, elected from the quota of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS), who should represent Bulgaria in the European Parliament, are national betrayal, said MP Toshko Yordanov from "There is such a people"..
Au nom du PS, Ivan Tchentchev a fait une intervention à l'Assemblée nationale après le passage à tabac, le 13 juin, d'un Bulgare macédonien. Le député a demandé que les parlementaires adoptent une déclaration commune dénonçant ce nouveau crime de haine..
The Bulgarian MEP Andrey Kovatchev, who travelled to the Bulgarian military cemetery near Novo Selo on 6 May, was accompanied by persons known to the Interior Ministry in North Macedonia to pose a risk to public peace and security. Bulgarian MEP..
L’eurodéputé bulgare Andrey Kovatchev qui se rendait au cimetière militaire bulgare aux environs de Novo Sélo le 6 mai, aurait été accompagné par des individus menaçant l’ordre et la sécurité publique selon la Macédoine du Nord. D’après Skopje,..