The famous Bulgarian folk ensemble Philip Kutev have organized a special Christmas surprise at the largest emergency aid hospital in Bulgaria - Sofia-based Pirogov hospital , BNT reported. With an impromptu concert in the hospital yard, the dancers..
Ansambli i njohur folklorik “Filip Kutev” organizoi një befasim special me rastin e Krishtlindjeve në spitalin më të madh në Bullgari për ndihmë urgjente “Pirogov”, transmetoi Televizioni Kombëtar Bullgar /BNT/. Me një koncert të improvizuar në..
Pirogov Hospital is one of the medical institutions where vaccination against Covid-19 will start on December 27 , head of the hospital Prof. Asen Baltov has told bTV. Pirogov already has a refrigerator that maintains a temperature of -70 degrees,..
In 1920 the Bulgarian Red Cross association opened a Red Cross hospital near Sofia as part of the nursing school. The idea of setting up an emergency hospital belongs to dozens of Bulgarian medics who graduated and specialized in Russia, France,..
En el Hospital de Urgencias de Sofía se está incrementando el número de las camas en cuidados intensivos, ha informado el director de esta institución médica, Prof. Asén Baltov. Hace falta también cerrar toda una planta para tratar a 60..
“A serious spike in the number of coronavirus cases is to be expected in the coming two weeks,” said Prof. Assen Baltov, director of Pirogov emergency hospital for Bulgarian National TV, BNT. “Medical specialists are getting ready for the..
A l’hôpital des urgences « Pirogov » à Sofia est décédé le docteur Youlian Stamov. Il a été hospitalisé il y a environ une semaine avec de la fièvre et de sérieux problèmes respiratoires. Le médecin a été intubé au cours de deux jours avant de décéder...
Dr. Yulian Stamov, 42, from the Centre for Emergency Medical Aid has passed away at Pirogov Hospital in Sofia. The patient was admitted for treatment about a week ago with complaints of shortness of breath, chills and fever. He was intubated two days..
Në spitalin “Pirogov” në Sofje ka vdekur dr. Julian Stamov nga Qendra për Ndihmë Urgjente Mjekësore, i diagnostikuar me Covid-19, bëri të ditur Asociacioni i Punonjësve Mjekësorë të Ndihmës Urgjente. Kjo është viktima e radhës nga Qendra për Ndihmë..
Son 24 saatte tedavi edilen Covid- 19 hastalarından biri 38 gün boyunca solunum cihazına bağlı kaldıktan sonra, yapay akciğer solunum aparatından çıkarıldı. Ulusal Kriz Merkezi’nin verdiği bilgiye göre, “Pirogov” hastanesinde yatan 68 yaşındaki hasta,..