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от 09.00 часа
Korneliya Ninova

20 migrants returned from Germany spark heated debate in Parliament

Information presented by the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) about 23 migrants who were brought back to Sofia from Munich on a charter flight on February 8 this year sparked a heated debate in Parliament.  BSP leader Korneliya Ninova asked Foreign..

01.03.24 14:16 |
Vice PM and Foreign minister Mariya Gabriel and PM Nikolai Denkov are to rotate office on March 6.

PM Denkov pledges continuity of priorities, after government rotation in early March 

Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov commented on the upcoming change of government on March 6 during his participation in the General Assembly of the National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria, which began in Sofia. He assured the mayors in the..

27.02.24 17:34 |
Mariya Gabriel

Mariya Gabriel to be received by King Abdullah II in Jordan

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel is paying an official visit to Jordan and will be received by King Abdullah II. The visit by Mariya Gabriel to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is at the invitation of the..

25.02.24 07:35 |

Mariya Gabriel: I will not sign the so-called memorandum

After a meeting with EU and US ambassadors, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel said at a briefing at the Foreign Ministry that she would not sign the memorandum proposed by We Continue the Change/Democratic..

21.02.24 21:02 |
Mariya Gabriel

Vicepremierul Mariya Gabriel a respins categoric propunerea lui PP-DB pentru un memorandum de management

După o întâlnire cu ambasadorii UE și SUA, vicepremierul și ministru de Externe, Mariya Gabriel, a declarat, în cadrul unui briefing la Ministerul de Externe, că nu va semna un așa-numit memorandum de guvernare cu Continuăm Schimbarea-Bulgaria Democrată..

21.02.24 20:30 |
Regular meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, Brussels, 19 February, 2024

Black Sea security conference to be held in Sofia in April

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel took part in the regular meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels, at which the situation in the Middle East, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the situation in..

20.02.24 09:07 |

Prime Minister Denkov will tender his resignation on 6 March 

Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov confirmed on his return from Munich that he would resign on 6 March, as provided for in the government rotation agreement. Asked what would happen if the National Assembly did not vote on his resignation, he said that the..

18.02.24 16:43 |

Premierul și ministrul bulgar de externe participă la Conferința de securitate de la München

Franța este un partener și un aliat strategic al Bulgariei, cu care împărtășim priorități comune de pe agenda internațională. Anul acesta vom marca 145 de ani de la stabilirea relațiilor noastre diplomatice, a scris pe Facebook ministrul de externe..

16.02.24 17:00 |

Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel elected patron of the Class of 2024 of a prestigious French institute

Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel has been elected Patron of the Class of 2024 of the Advanced European Studies Programme of the prestigious French National Institute of Civil Service, the Foreign Ministry announced. The Deputy Prime Minister is in Paris..

15.02.24 18:25 |

David Cameron și Mariya Gabriel promit sprijin pentru Ucraina

Sofia și Londra vor continua să ofere sprijin Ucrainei - financiar, militar, umanitar și diplomatic, a declarat ministrul bulgar de externe, Mariya Gabriel, în cadrul unei conferințe de presă comune la Sofia cu ministrul britanic de externe David..

14.02.24 14:15 |
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