“Unlike the previous Covid waves, this time we made advance preparations. We have a plan, we provided medicines in advance, we are opening Covid hospital beds on a step-by-step basis, a sufficient amount of oxygen has been provided,” Minister of..
The 15th meeting of the Bulgaria-North Macedonia Joint Commission on Historical Issues ended without results. This has been reported by its co-chairman Angel Dimitrov. "Our colleagues simply cannot accept the idea of a common history..
Bulgariens Präsident Rumen Radew, der an einer zweitägigen Tagung des Europäischen Rates teilnimmt, hat mit der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel das bulgarische Veto gegen die EU-Mitgliedschaft Nordmazedoniens erörterrt. Ihm zufolge sei das..
The Ministry of Agriculture and the Food Agency have established that in the Sofia region farms lack two thirds of the animals which European subsidies have been applied for, i.e. these are only virtual animals. In an interview with BNR, Simeon..
At today's meeting, the caretaker government decides on the Bulgarian position for the forthcoming European Council, which will discuss the issue of high energy prices and measures to solve the problem. This was announced last night..
The European Commission has received the Recovery and Resilience Plan of Bulgaria, in which our country calls for grants totaling 6.6 billion euros, BNR correspondent Angelina Piskova has reported from Brussels. The Bulgarian plan..
„Der erste reale Schritt auf dem Weg des grünen Übergangs in Bulgarien ist der Nationale Plan für Wiederaufbau und Nachhaltigkeit“, sagte Ministerpräsident Stefan Janew auf dem Forum „Grüne Wende – Lösungen und Herausforderungen für Bulgarien“, an..
Die Informationen der Stiftung „Mazedonien“ über die Zerstörung von zwei bulgarischen Militärfriedhöfen auf dem Territorium Nordmazedoniens werden sehr ernst genommen. Das bulgarische Außenministerium arbeitet aktiv daran, den Sachverhalt..
Green scepticism is not very popular in Bulgaria. The youngest and people with university degrees are the biggest supporters of green policies, indicates a survey conducted by Trend sociological agency. 68% of the respondents describe climate..
Miners from the Maritza Iztok coal complex went on a protest in Sofia. The organizers of the CITUB and Podkrepa trade unions said they were defending Bulgaria's energy independence. The protesters called for finding an..