On the occasion of the 115th anniversary of the declaration of the Independence of Bulgaria from September 22, 1908, Bulgaria's former capital, the town of Veliko Tarnovo, is hosting a rich program. Bulgaria celebrates 115 years of independence..
Every year, on September 15 - the first school day in Bulgaria - the curious mind asks: why exactly on this date? Why does the school year start on September 15 in Bulgaria? The answer comes from historical references about the beginning and the end..
The 11th cultural-historical show "The Bulgarian Army from Asparukh to the present day" reenacts different periods of the development of the Bulgarian army in the village of Topoli near Varna. Nearly 500 people from historical reenactment clubs..
Two women are inextricably linked in the minds of Bulgarians with one of the most important dates in Bulgarian history - the Unification of Eastern Rumelia with the Principality of Bulgaria on September 6, 1885. And while in other liberation struggles..
On the day of the Bulgarian Unification , when the whole of the country celebrates 138 years since the unification of parts of the Bulgarian territories fragmented after the Liberation (1878), we talk to university professor..
Once upon a time, the best tobacco in Bulgaria was said to have been produced in the Eastern Rhodopes, in the vicinity of the town of Ardino. This tobacco was of the most aromatic oriental variety and was mainly used for export. It was much sought..
British historian Prof. Bettany Hughes, best known as the host of the popular TV show "Treasures of the World", broadcast in 120 countries, has arrived in Bulgaria. A few days ago, she visited the city of Petrich, where she filmed..
The first modern pharmacy in Bulgaria was created by Dr. Marko Pavlov - the first Bulgarian with a higher education at the beginning of the 19th century. His life's journey began with a vicissitude like in a sentimental novel from the 18th century...
Recently, in the National Library "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" the book of Associate Professor Dr. Spas Tashev - "The Struggle of Macedonian Bulgarians for Rights and Independence - 68 Cases from the Period 1944 - 1994" has been..
Did you know that the words "Here's Radio Sofia!" were transmitted on shortwaves five years before the world heard of VOA and a year after the BBC overseas broadcasts began? This happened in 1936. Petar Uvaliev was one of the first..