“There are two options – a new government within this parliament and this majority, or early elections,” said Deputy Prime Minister Krasimir Karakachanov. “It is a matter of negotiation within the ruling coalition whether current Prime Minister Boyko..
Bulgarian Minister of Defence Krasimir Karakachanov and Germany’s Minister of Defence Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer agreed there is need of a comprehensive analysis of the threats to Europe. “A comprehensive analysis is needed of the threats,..
Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov is summoning on Thursday the council of the ruling coalition over the latest protests in search of a plan aimed to consolidate institutions in this country . During the meeting, GERB and the United Patriots will..
El viceprimer ministro búlgaro Krasimir Karákachanov ha calificado de “suficientemente equilibrada” la declaración de la Embajada de EE.UU. en Sofía . ”El hecho de que diferentes partes de la sociedad la estén interpretando de manera distinta muestra..
Por el momento, en la frontera búlgara todo está tranquilo y no hay presión migratoria, aunque con la subida de las temperaturas ha habido intentos aislados de grupos de entrar en territorio búlgaro, ha manifestado el viceprimer ministro y titular..
A pesar de los llamamientos populistas de repartir dinero socorriendo a otros sectores, la disminución de los medios para la Defensa no ha sido debatida por el Gobierno ni a nivel de socios de coalición , ha dicho el ministro de Defensa, Krasimir..
"Depositemos flores el Día de Botev al pie del monumento más cercano consagrado a los que se inmolaron por la libertad de Bulgaria. A pesar de la pandemia, veneremos la memoria de nuestros ancestros que conquistaron la libertad para todos", ha..
“On Botev Day, let us lay flowers at the nearest monument to all those who laid down their lives for the liberation of Bulgaria. Despite the pandemic, let us bow down in memory of our forefathers who fought for our freedom,” Deputy Prime Minister and..
Bulgaria's Deputy Prime Minister Krasimir Karakachanov, leader of VMRO, one of the parties in the ruling coalition, together with the National Tourism Board, have proposed to the government a list of measures to support the tourism sector. Offering..
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Krasimir Karakachanov is to be fined EUR 150 for violating the measures for containing COVID-19 , announced Georgi Hadzhiev, director of the Sofia Police department. A member of the public..