Eмисия новини
от часа

НАТО verspricht Ukraine Drohnenabwehrsysteme

Die NATO wird in den kommenden Tagen Luftverteidigungssysteme an die Ukraine liefern, um dem Land zu helfen, sich gegen Drohnen, einschließlich der aus dem Iran, zu verteidigen, die Russland gegen Schlüsselinfrastrukturen einsetzt, teilte der..

19.10.22 09:52 |

Protest vor der iranischen Botschaft in Sofia

Vertreter der Kurdischen Partei des Iran in Bulgarien haben vor der Botschaft der Islamischen Republik gegen den tragischen Tod der 22-jährigen Mahsa Amini protestiert , die in Teheran wegen „unangemessener Kleidung“ von der Sittenpolizei..

30.09.22 18:16 |

Një protestë u zhvillua para ambasadës iraniane në Sofje

Përfaqësues të Partisë Kurde të Iranit në Bullgari organizuan një protestë para Ambasadës së Republikës Islamike kundër vdekjes tragjike të 22-vjeçares Mahsa Amini, e cila u arrestua në Teheran për “veshje të papërshtatshme” dhe vdiq në paraburgim..

30.09.22 18:02 |

Protest takes place in front of the Iranian embassy in Sofia

Representatives of the Kurdish Party of Iran in Bulgaria organized a protest in front of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Sofia against the tragic death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini , who was arrested in Tehran for "inappropriate clothing"..

30.09.22 17:43 |

Protestations devant l’ambassade d’Iran à Sofia…

Des représentants du Parti kurde de l’Iran en Bulgarie ont organisé une manifestation de protestation devant l’ambassade de la République islamique d'Iran contre la mort tragique de Mahsa Amini, âgée de 22 ans, qui avait été interpellée à Téhéran pour..

30.09.22 17:22 |

Kaléidoscope des Balkans

La Turquie renforce sa présence militaire en Chypre du Nord La Turquie va renforcer sa présence militaire en Chypre et fournira à la partie nord de l’île les armements nécessaires à la défense des Chypriotes turcs, a déclaré le ministre..

30.09.22 12:48 |

Kaléidoscope des Balkans

Nouvelles tensions entre la Turquie et la Grèce Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdoğan a averti la Grèce qu’elle pourrait subir des frappes à cause de la militarisation des îles en mer d’Égée. En réponse le ministre grec des Affaires..

09.09.22 15:03 |

Balkan developments

Tensions between Greece and Turkey flare up Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan called on Greece to stop militarizing Greek islands near Turkey warning that Turkish military forces could come “at night”. Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs..

09.09.22 12:50 |

Iranian drones show defects on the battlefield in Ukraine

Iran has delivered the first batch of drones to Russia, but they are apparently defective, DW writes, quoting the Washington Post. According to the American edition, which refers to sources from the secret services, as early as August 19, the Russians..

01.09.22 13:56 |

Dronët iranianë japin defekte në fushën e betejës në Ukrainë

Irani i ka dorëzuar Rusisë grupin e parë të dronëve, por me sa duket janë me defekt, shkruan botimi elektronik DW, duke cituar Washington Post. Sipas botimit amerikan, i cili iu referohet burimeve nga shërbimet sekrete, që më 19 gusht rusët marën..

01.09.22 13:39 |
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