Bulgaria has not pledged a date for lifting the veto on the start of the EU-North Macedonia accession negotiations, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said today, while visiting the town of Blagoevgrad. "This calendar thing does not work", he said on..
Bulgaria's position on North Macedonia's EU integration will not change. The two countries have been working together; there is an improved dialogue and a real desire to achieve results and clear out accumulated tensions, head of the..
„Wir benötigen eine kampffähige Armee, die uns beschützen kann, eine Armee, auf die die Gesellschaft und das Militär stolz sind“, sagte Verteidigungsminister Dragomir Sakow. Bei der Vorstellung seines Teams und der Schwerpunkte seiner Arbeit wies..
Sechs ehemalige bulgarische Verteidigungsminister, Bojko Noew, Nikolaj Swinarow, Anju Angelow, Todor Tagarew, Welisar Schalamanow und Nikolaj Nentche, haben in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung darauf bestanden, dass Bulgarien dringend zur Verteidigung der..
The European Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating nine Bulgarian companies suspected of fraud with EU funds, the press center of the institution reported. During the week, 25 searches were conducted in Sofia, Pernik and..
Over 29 million euros from European projects were illegally used for payment of salaries in the National Company "Railway Infrastructure”, Minister of Transport Nikolay Sabev said. The revealed abuses will be handed over to both the Bulgarian..
After seven hours of talks, three of which with US President Joe Biden and one with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, the European leaders promised Ukraine more military, humanitarian and economic aid, but did not impose new sanctions on..
Bulgarische Winzer haben heute vor dem Landwirtschaftsministerium in Sofia wegen der fehlenden Politik zur Unterstützung der Weinbauern protestiert. Nach einer Reihe regionaler Proteste und unerfüllter Versprechungen des Landwirtschaftsministeriums..
The European Commission have given high assessment to the constructive co-operation with the government of PM Kiril Petkov and reported good progress in Bulgaria's Recovery and Resilience Plan, according to the press service of the..
The EU and NATO are united as never before, Foreign Minister Teodora Genchovska told the ambassadors of the EU and NATO countries in Bulgaria. At a working breakfast in Sofia today, Genchovska pointed out that Bulgaria's foreign policy priorities..