The European Commission presented its recommendations for the economic policies of the EU Member States, the part on Bulgaria being in the three areas, BTA reported. The first recommendation to Bulgaria is that the country should keep..
As part of the traditional Bulgarian visit to Rome and the Vatican on the eve of May 24, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov will visit the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, where Pope Adrian II blessed the Slavic alphabet and..
By cutting off gas supplies to Bulgaria, Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to "demonstrate that he could destabilize a European government that has declared a policy of zero tolerance for corruption," Bulgarian Prime Minister..
The Bulgarian government does not plan to back down from this country's position on the Republic of North Macedonia and would not lift the veto on Skopje's EU membership talks if Bulgaria’s requirements were not met. This was what..
Das bulgarische Außenministerium hat am 24. April dieses Jahres einen humanitären Flug eines russischen Flugzeugs durch unseren Luftraum genehmigt. Das gab Verkehrsminister Nikolaj Sabew im Parlament bekannt. Die EU hat aufgrund des Ukraine-Krieges..
The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry permitted a humanitarian flight by a Russian airplane over the airspace of the country on 24 April, Minister of Transport Nokolay Sabev announced in parliament. He explained that the ban on Russian aircraft..
After three weeks, I am back in Sofia to find common ground and support in Bulgaria to start the negotiation process with North Macedonia in June. This is what EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi wrote on Twitter..
The European Council and MEPs have agreed on joint rules for filling European gas storage facilities before winter. The goal is to build a buffer and prepare for possible disruptions to natural gas deliveries, Reuters reported. Russia..
EU-Verhandlungsführer und Europaabgeordnete haben sich auf Regeln für die Füllung europäischer Gasspeicher vor dem Winter geeinigt. Ziel sei es, einen Versorgungspuffer aufzubauen und sich auf mögliche russische Erdgasstopps vorzubereiten,..
The European Parliament has adopted two reports calling on the EU Council to start accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania without delay, especially in the backdrop of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. The report on North..