Bulgaria's Minister of Justice Nadezhda Yordanova has submitted to the Supreme Judicial Council a proposal for the release of the Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev from his post . She points to nine new circumstances, including police violence during..
“The reduced budget of the judiciary will not hinder the work of the prosecutor’s office,” Minister of Justice Nadezhda Yordanova stated. In a position by the Supreme Judicial Council, SJC, the Council members cite the Constitution which..
Bulgaria is the EU member state with the highest number of prosecutors per capita and the highest ratio of government spending on prosecution to gross domestic product, Minister of Justice Nadezhda Yordanova said in connection with the decision..
“The political will to close down the specialized court and the specialized prosecutor’s office is not going to change,” Minister of Justice Nadezhda Yordanova said in an interview for the BNR. The Ministry of Justice’s draft amendments to the..
"No cambiará la voluntad política de clausurar el tribunal y la fiscalía especializados", ha señalado en Radio Nacional de Bulgaria la ministra de Justicia, Nadezhda Yordanova. El proyecto de enmiendas a la Ley del poder judicial del Ministerio de..
“ La violencia doméstica es un problema sumamente grave tanto a escala mundial como para la sociedad búlgara, que a menudo permanece dentro de la familia. El agravamiento de este problema, especialmente en las condiciones de la pandemia, ha hecho que..
“Domestic violence is an exceedingly grave problem, on a world scale, as was as in Bulgarian society, and it frequently remains within the family. The exacerbation of this problem, especially in the conditions of pandemic, has made its resolution a..
Durante la sesión de control parlamentario al Ejecutivo la ministra de Justicia, Nadezhda Yordanova, ha anunciado que la Comisión Europea ha iniciado un procedimiento de infracción contra Bulgaria alegando que el país no ha asegurado la conexión..
La ministra de Justicia, Nadezhda Yordanova, ha instado a los miembros del Consejo Superior de la Judicatura que “den un paso adelante o atrás” para dar la posibilidad a los siguientes a continuar la reforma judicial. “Creo que ya es hora de dejar..
Bulgaria's Justice Minister Nadezhda Yordanova has called on the members of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) to "step aside or back" and allow those next to continue judicial reform. "I think it is time to stop closing our eyes and to see personal..