The French offer for the start of EU membership talks with North Macedonia, recently adopted by the Bulgarian National Assembly, is correct and responsible, the Minister of Defense Dragomir Zakov has told BNR. The minister..
The Bulgarian National Assembly has made a historic decision to support the unblocking of North Macedonia’s path to EU accession, within specific parameters, reads a position by the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, published after the..
"I would like to congratulate the Bulgarian parliament on today's vote, which paves the way for lifting the veto and for start of negotiations with North Macedonia," French President Emmanuel Macron said. According to him, the work and exchange..
"Today, the Bulgarian parliament took a historic decision by giving a green light to the proposal for EU accession of North Macedonia," Prime Minister Kiril Petkov wrote on Twitter. In an interview with Politico , the prime minister called on..
Der Außenminister der Republik Nordmazedonien, Bujar Osmani, sagte, dass die heutige Abstimmung im bulgarischen Parlament über die Aufhebung des Vetos gegen sein Land den Nachbarschaftsvertrag mit Bulgarien lahmlegen werde. „Zwei Worte stehen..
In a position published today, Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry states that within the EU, Bulgaria has always supported the European perspective of the Albanian people. “We have upheld Albania’s European perspective and the launch of EU accession..
The EU leaders have approved the granting of EU candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova. European Council President Charles Michel called the decision “a historic moment” and “a crucial step” on the two countries’ path towards the EU...
“It's a disgrace that a NATO country, Bulgaria, kidnaps two other NATO countries, namely Albania and North Macedonia, in the midst of a hot war in Europe's backyard with 26 other EU countries sitting still in a scary show of impotence.” That is how..
Heute wird der parlamentarische Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten über den französischen Vorschlag zur Beilegung der Differenzen zwischen den Behörden in Sofia und Skopje beraten. Im Entwurf wird vorgeschlagen, dass die Bedingungen..
Minister Teodora Genchovska has filed the Bilateral Protocol between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Bulgaria under an access stamp that limits the circle of people who can read it. "We Continue the Change" party..