A demonstration of non-governmental organizations demanding imediate ratification of the Istanbul Convention was held today in front of the Bulgarian National Assembly. Bulgarian pensioners demanding higher pensions also launched protests on Thursday...
Bulgaria’s Police Syndicates announced that they are planning to launch protests on January 11 when the first Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union will be officially opened in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia. Another protest is planned..
Bulgaria has been watching with concern the latest developments in Iran that led to the loss of human life, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. We acknowledge President Hassan Rouhani’s statement that citizens have the right to protest..
A new gondola lift over Bansko would be built only after the municipality presented a development plan and it passed through public discussion and environmental assessment, Bulgarian Minister of Environment and Water, Neno Dimov, said at a briefing with..
The recent decision of Bulgaria’s cabinet to a give green light to building a second gondola lift in the mountain resort of Bansko has been discussed at a meeting today by Minister of Environment Neno Dimov, Mayor of the resort Georgi Ikonomov and a..
On December 22 the Bulgarian Border Police marks its 130 th anniversary. A wreath-laying ceremony was held in front of the monument to Bulgarian policemen who lost their lives in performance of their duties. Officers from several border checkpoints..
The governing body of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) General Assembly will present today a schedule of protests by researchers during Bulgaria's Presidency of the Council of the EU, as of 1 January. The BAS scientists and researchers..
The Labor Unions of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Agricultural Academy are ready to launch a series of protests if they do not receive additional financing this year. In a declaration to the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, the..
Protests in Bulgaria’s northeastern agricultural region of Dobrudzha against investment plans for prospecting and extraction of natural gas continue today. The Municipality of General Toshevo is playing host to the final public debate on the..
There hasn't been a serious response to the calls of police trade unions for 4 months and it is absolutely normal for us to continue to exercise our right to protest, head of the police trade union federation, Valentin Popov said in an interview for the..