Bulgarian Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rosen Zhelyazkov, has presented the Bulgarian position on the draft Mobility Package I at a meeting with one of the rapporteurs on the dossier, Wim Van de Camp. The..
Bulgarian carriers are launching a mass protest against discriminatory texts in new European regulations, known as Mobile Package 1, on January 10th. 360 protesters will leave for Brussels with charter flights from Sofia to Brussels. More than..
Construction workers called a peaceful protest in Sofia to defend the sector. They are expressing their concern over the attacks against the sector and the accusations of the high prices and poor quality of repair works, of corruption practices and..
The majority of Bulgarian citizens support the protests against the Bulgarian government, a survey of Gallup International about the recent protests shows. 50% of the surveyed Bulgarians said they would participate in protests against the government,..
On Friday night, Deputy Prime Minister Valeriy Simeonov, in charge of economic and demographic policy, resigned and the resignation was immediately accepted by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. This happened after 26 day of protests by mothers..
For a third consecutive evening the Lyulin motorway was blocked by residents of the city of Pernik with national flags in their hands. The protest is against the way Bulgaria is governed, high fuel prices and the high cost of living. In Sofia..
“Protests are a democratic right and restore the hopes and the dignity of Bulgarians,” said President Rumen Radev, commenting on the recent civic protests throughout the country, but added that a possible resignation by the government at a time of..
Mothers of children with disabilities and “The System Kills Us" Initiative have once again protested in front of the government building in Sofia, calling for the resignation of Deputy Prime Minister Valeriy Simeonov. The reason for the protest..
Dozens of Bulgarian parents of children with disabilities and many other citizens have once again protested in front of the Council of Ministers building in Sofia, despite an action plan signed yesterday by representatives of the government on the..
Environmentalists have organized a symbolic action in front of the building of the Council of Ministers in Sofia. They brought jars containing fresh air from Pirin, accompanied by letters to the prime minister and ministers, despite the fact the..