Bulgaria received more than 11 billion euros for projects financed by the structural and cohesion funds of the EU in the period 2007 to June 2022. The data was presented by the Institute for Market Economy. The capital city attracted..
Bulgarien habe von 2007 bis Juni 2022 aus den Struktur- und Kohäsionsfonds der EU 11 Milliarden Euro für Projekte erhalten. Diese Angaben veröffentlichte das Institut für Marktwirtschaft auf seiner Internetseite. Die Hauptstadt Sofia habe die meisten..
Bulgaria will not ask for an exception to the reduction of gas consumption by 15% proposed by the European Commission in the package of measures called " Save Gas for a Safe Winter, " a BNR source in Brussels said. On July 26,..
Bulgaria has called on the Council of Agriculture of the EU for a careful approach to the free transit of produce from Ukraine and Moldova. Minister Ivan Ivanov pointed out that instead of transit passage, the Ukrainian sunflower..
Bulgaria supports the call of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba to stand firm in our support and lasting commitment to Ukraine. Bulgaria will continue to support and assist Ukraine's European integration as a candidate country...
The EU permanent representatives are to discuss, on 18 July, the European Commission’s proposals for a new package of sanctions against Russia. The package introduces a new import ban on Russian gold, while reinforcing the EU’s dual use and..
The Foreign Ministers of Bulgaria and North Macedonia, Teodora Genchovska and Bujar Osmani, signed in Sofia a protocol of the meeting of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission under Art. 12 of the Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighbourliness and..
Russland stellt die Gültigkeit der Zertifikate ein, die es drei Flugzeugreparaturwerken - zwei in Bulgarien und einem in der Tschechischen Republik - ausgestellt hat. Das gab die Sprecherin des russischen Außenministeriums, Maria Sacharowa, bei..
The number of housing transactions has gone up in 2021, compared to 2020, in most countries members of the EU for which data is available, Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union reports. The highest increases were recorded in..
Am 13. Juli werden in Istanbul Militärdelegationen Russlands, der Ukraine und Vertreter der UN über den Transport von Getreide aus ukrainischen Häfen diskutieren, kündigte der türkische Verteidigungsminister Hulusi Akar an. Zuvor hatten sich..