80% fewer tourists have spent their summer holidays in Bulgaria due to the coronavirus epidemic, and 30% of the staff in the tourism industry have lost their jobs, these are the figures presented by Polina Karastoyanova, Executive Director of the..
The coronavirus crisis has deprived Bulgarian tourism of 800 million euros , according to an analysis by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on the challenges facing the sector at the backdrop of the pandemic, BTA reported. Despite the measures..
Revenue in tourism from accommodation in July plummeted by 64.6% compared to July 2019, National Statistical Institute data show. The decline is steepest with revenue coming from foreign tourists - 77.1%, with Bulgarian tourists the drop..
The group of journalists who arrived on the first flight of the charter flights resumed in mid-August toured remarkable places in Bulgaria to present them to their compatriots. Their route around the country emphasized places that are attractive..
This year, the turnover during the active season on the native Black Sea coast has dropped dramatically , by about 40-50%, according to industry data. However, hoteliers hope to make up for some of the losses in September , as more tourists prefer..
For the past 6 months, the European Consumer Center (ECC) in this country has received many complaints about delayed and canceled flights, as well as about failed vacations abroad, director of the center Sonya Spasova has told BNR. According to..
The Burgas Regional Tourist Chamber has proposed to the Ministry of Tourism to appoint tourism attachés in the countries that are major tourist markets for Bulgaria. According to the chamber, the tourism industry should partially support the attachés..
Over 550,000 Bulgarians have visited various tourist sites in this country, mainly along the Black Sea coast. Many did not go abroad this time. Some of them saw the Bulgarian Black Sea coast for the first time, Assoc. Prof. Rumen Draganov,..
74% of hotels and guest houses in Bulgaria cannot meet the costs of their activities and need financial assistance to survive, according to a survey conducted by the National Statistical Institute. 44 percent of respondents say that their income..
Unsecured working capital loans of up to EUR 150,000 will be granted by 8 commercial banks, which have already signed an agreement with the Bulgarian Development Bank - BDB, the executive director of the state treasury Panayot Filipov has announced...