A celebration entitled "Traditions meet the future" will take place at the National Exhibition of Arts and Crafts in the village of Oreshak on June 7. More than 120 students from schools in Troyan will learn from the experience of..
La soupe au foie d'agneau, la tortilla farcie aux haricots, poivrons, oignons et épices, et beaucoup d'autres recettes de la région de Samokov, à 70 km de Sofia, ont été présentées à l'occasion de la fête des spécialités culinaires du terroir. "Les recettes..
Various dishes that are characteristic of the region of Samokov, such as potato pancake with filling of beans, peppers, onions and spices, as well as many other local meals prepared according to old recipes were among the many culinary..
In the midst of Easter, the municipality of Radomir organized the traditional competition for children "The Hardest Easter Egg" and the culinary competition "Red, Red Easter". Before lunch, in the park of the youth cultural and..
When Galina Manolova, a sixth-generation Bulgarian born in the village of Cairaclia, Moldova, published her account of an Easter egg game from her childhood , she never imagined the huge response it would provoke among Bulgarians around the..
Holy Week has begun and Orthodox Christians in Bulgaria are preparing to welcome the Resurrection of Christ. Among other preparations, many towns and cities are being transformed for the holiday with art bazaars and workshops on Easter decorating..
For a third year in a row, the group for authentic folklore at the "Hristo Botev 1889" community center in the town of Koinare, Pleven region, will present a reenactment of one of the most beautiful and beloved customs in..
The Bulgarian banitsa stood out in a prestigious ranking, entering the top 50 of the most delicious cheese dishes in the world. The famous website for traditional cuisine and local products, Taste Atlas, has assigned the Bulgarian delicacy the..
Today, all Bulgarians greet each other for the holiday of spring and give martenitsa to others with wishes for health and prosperity. Baba Marta (Granny Marta) already has fans in many countries, as our quiz last year..
Pendant trois jours, la petite ville minière de Pernik, située à une vingtaine de kilomètres de Sofia, a organisé avec ferveur et enthousiasme le 29 e Festival des jeux masqués SOURVA et à la grande joie de la municipalité, ils étaient nombreux à..