The caretaker government will lift the ban on the export of fuels, derived from Russian oil, by the Lukoil refinery in Burgas. This draft decision has been published for public discussion. The draft has been signed by caretaker Prime Minister..
Bulgaria and North Macedonia have not reached an agreement on the price of electricity that is to be exported to North Macedonia next winter. At a meeting of the working group held in Sofia, North Macedonia’s representatives asked for a price that..
The export of arms worth over 1 billion BGN /500 million euros/ is expected to be authorized within days , announced the Acting Minister of Economy Nikola Stoyanov. He will convene the export committee this week to consider all of the more than 230..
Russia and Ukraine will sign today in Istanbul a UN backed agreement to free up grain exports from Ukraine's besieged Black Sea ports, the Turkish presidency announced. With the finalization of the deal, the crisis related to the export of 25..
The State Consolidation Company has announced that it will refer to the prosecutor's office irregularities detected at the state-owned company for foreign trade in special goods "Kintex". The company's financial report for the first quarter..
Democratic Bulgaria, which is part of the ruling coalition, criticized the Speaker of Bulgarian National Assembly for delaying the Foreign Policy Committee's request for military aid to Ukraine. In the meanwhile t he co-governing party There is Such..
The Ministry of Economy will submit to the Council of Ministers a proposal to declare an extraordinary situation for export-oriented companies due to the war in Ukraine in force retroactively on February 24, Minister of Economy..
“It would only be possible for Bulgaria to stop exporting electricity if we agree not to be in the EU,” Bulgaria’s Energy Minister Alexander Nikolov said in an interview with Nova TV. “If we stop exporting electricity the price will fall. But..
In 2020 Bulgaria exported commodities worth USD 31.8 billion, a drop of 4.4% compared to the pre-pandemic 2019 when exports amounted to USD 33.4 billion. Bulgaria climbs to 58 th from 60 th position in 2019 among all exporters globally...
In 2020, Bulgarian export of herbs dropped by about 20% to less than 9,000 tons, data from the Bulgarian Association of Herbalists, quoted by "Bulgarian Farmer" show. However, export of medicinal plants to more than 50 countries..