On the morning of December 25, an air alert was declared in all regions of Ukraine , reports UNIAN. Volodymyr Zelensky has already warned Ukrainians about possible mass attacks from the Russian side in the days around the Christmas and New Year..
"Ukraine and the United States are together in the fight against Russia," Volodymyr Zelensky told the US Congress on his first foreign visit since the beginning of the war . Earlier, he met with US President Joe Biden, who assured him that the American..
"Ucraina și Statele Unite sunt împreună în lupta împotriva Rusiei", a declarat Volodymyr Zelensky în fața Congresului american, în prima sa vizită în străinătate de la începutul războiului. Anterior, el s-a întâlnit cu Joe Biden, care l-a asigurat că..
Pe 21 decembrie, președintele ucrainean Volodymyr Zelensky va vizita Statele Unite, relatează CNN, citând două surse ale sale, una din cadrul Poliției Metropolitane. El este așteptat să se întâlnească cu președintele Joe Biden la Casa Albă. Potrivit..
În noaptea de dinainte de luni, Rusia a lansat 35 de drone de fabricație iraniană de pe țărmul Mării Azov. Forțele de apărare ucrainene au doborât 30 dintre ele, iar 9 au fost neutralizate deasupra Kievului. Pe tot parcursul nopții, rachete și tunuri..
Attempts by the Ukrainian army to advance towards the occupied Luhansk region continue. On Saturday and Sunday, fighting took place around 12 key settlements along the front in the district, the Ukrainian command reported, quoted by UNIAN. On the left..
The United States will impose new sanctions on a transnational network of 14 individuals and 28 companies that brokered and procured military technology for Russia's aggression in Ukraine, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said. On the sidelines of the..
K yiv residents should be ready to leave the city if there is a complete blackout, said the mayor of the Ukrainian capital, Vitaly Klitschko. In recent weeks, millions of Ukrainians have been without electricity and water as Russian missiles and..
Nearly 4.5 million Ukrainians, or over 10% of the country's pre-war population, have been left without electricity since last night because of the Russian strikes, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced in his video address. Kyiv and ten other regions..
Les partis politiques ne se sont pas accordés sur la proposition d’inviter le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky à une visioconférence au premier jour de la 48 e législature de l’Assemblée nationale. C’est ce qu’a annoncé Ekatérina Zakhariéva de..