The task of transporting humanitarian aid to the Republic of Croatia following the devastating earthquake on December 29 has been successfully completed , the press centre of the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense has announced. Three flights were carried..
El Gobierno de Bulgaria ha tomado la resolución de asignar 100.000 euros en concepto de ayuda a Croacia para la restauración de edificios relacionados con la historia de esta país. Se trata del Primer Colegio de Gornograd en Zagreb y de la..
Dışişleri Bakanı Ekaterina Zaharieva 6,3 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından Hırvat mevkidaşı Gordan Gırliç-Radman ile görüştü. Zaharieva, "Bu zor durumda , Bulgaristan Hırvat dostlarımızın yanında olmaya hazır. Yardım etmeye hazırız. En içten..
Bulgaria se ha presentado con éxito en el Campeonato Europeo de Clubes de Taekwondo, categoría jóvenes cadetes, en Zagreb (Croacia). Los atletas búlgaros se han agenciado tres medallas de oro, cinco de plata y cuatro de bronce. El oro fue para..
Bulgarien hat bei der Taekwondo Club-Europameisterschaft für Jungen und Mädchen in Zagreb (Kroatien) ausgezeichnet abgeschnitten. Die bulgarischen Taekwondo-Kämpfer haben 3 Gold-, 5 Silber- und 4 Bronzemedaillen gewonnen. Das Gold ging an Boschidar..
La atleta búlgara Mílitsa Mírcheva ha ocupado el tercer puesto en el Campeonato Balcánico de Media Maratón celebrado en Zagreb, Croacia. Mírchiva consiguió cronometraje de 1:13:59 horas tras adelantársele Fatma Demir de Turquía con cronometraje de..
Bulgaria and Croatia can join the Eurozone's "waiting room" by the end of this year. The opinion is of Fabio Panetta - a member of the board of the European Central Bank, expressed in an interview with the French newspaper Le Monde. According to him,..
Bulgaria's Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva has stressed the importance of good neighbourly relations for progress in the European integration of the Western Balkan countries. In front of her colleagues in the Foreign Affairs Council, Zaharieva welcomed..
There is no data on injured Bulgarian citizens during this morning's earthquake in Croatia, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry has reported. "My thoughts are with all of my friends from Croatia after the earthquake this morning. I want to express my..
Kryeministrat e Bullgarisë Bojko Borisov dhe të Kroacisë Andrej Plenkoviç biseduan në Këshillin e Ministrave në Zagreb. Fokusi i takimit ishin konsultimet e lidhura me prioritetet e Presidencës Kroate të Këshillit të Bashkimit Evropian gjatë pjesës..