“Rosatom” “Belene” Nükleer Elektrik Santralini kuracak konsorsiyumdaki katılımcıları genişletmeye hazır. “Rosatom” Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Kiril Komarov bu bilgiyi verdi ve “Bu projede yer alacak uluslararası şirketler var ve ilgi durmadan artıyor”..
Rosatom is ready to add more participants to the consortium for construction of Belene nuclear power plant, the company’s First Deputy Director General Kirill Komarov announced. In June Rosatom signed memoranda of understanding with Framatomme..
Η Rosatom είναι έτοιμη να διευρύνει τη συμμετοχή στο κονσόρτσιουμ για κατασκευή του πυρηνικού σταθμού «Μπέλενε», ανακοίνωσε ο υποδιευθυντής της Rosatom Κίριλ Κομαρόφ. «Το κονσόρτσιουμ δεν εξαντλεί καθόλου τις διεθνείς εταιρείες που μπορούν να..
„Bulgarien wird für das Kernkraftwerksprojekt „Belene“ keine staatlichen Garantien gewähren und auch keine langfristigen Verträge über den Kauf von elektrischen Strom abschließen“, sagte dem Bulgarischen Nationalen Fernsehen gegenüber Energieministerin..
The Belene NPP project does not have a European license, the European Commission notes in an answer to a request by Euractiv web site several days after it became clear that three of the five companies admitted to the procedure for selection of..
Three of the five companies participating in the tender for a contractor of the Belene nuclear power plant - Rosatom, Framatome SAS (France), and GE Steam Power are joining forces to participate in the tender for the construction of Bulgaria's second..
Bullgaria ka lajmëruar kompaninë ruse “Rosatom” për shtyrjen e afateve për zhvillimin e tenderit për ndërtimin e centralit elektrik atomik “Belene” për shkak të pandemisë së koronavirusit. Këtë e njoftoi një përfaqësues i korporatës shtetërore ruse...
Bulgaria ha informado a Rosatom sobre la demora de los plazos de organizar la licitación para la construcción de la central atómica de Bélene a causa de la pandemia de coronavirus. Es lo que ha informado un representante de la corporación estatal..
Bulgaria has informed Rosatom of a postponement in the deadline for the tender for the construction of Belene nuclear power plant because of the coronavirus pandemic. This was announced by a representative of the Russian state-run corporation...
Bulgaristan, koronavirüs pandemisi sebebiyle Belene nükleer santralinin inşası ile ilgili ihalenin ertelenmesine ilişkin Rosatom’a bilgi sunmuştur.Bunu, Rus devlet korporasyonunun bir temsilcisi bildirdi . İhale süresinin uzatılması pandemi ile..